Purpose | With
you can call a VB function from a GuiXT Script or InputScript. In the called function you can
The .NET class library (dll) can be made available locally or centrally, e.g. in SAP Web Repository or SAP Mime Repository Prerequisites:
Example |
msg =
utilities.email.send The .NET class library "utilities.dll" is loaded from the ".NET class libraries" folder specified in GuiXT profile, guixt.ini-Parameter VBDirectory. For each SAP GUI mode a separate object of the given class "email" is created. The function "send" of this object is called and the function result is stored in V[msg]. |
Format 1 |
"par1" "par2 "par2" ... The class library progname.dll is loaded and for each SAP GUI mode a spearate object of class classname is created. The function funcname of this object is called, passing the given strings "par1", "par2",... as function parameters. Instead of passing the parameters as position parameters, you can also specify the parameter names defined in VB. Example:
emailaddr:="&V[email]" cc:="&V[cclist]" subject:="&V[subject]" body:="&V[mytext]"
Format 2 |
progname.classname.funcname "par1" "par2 "par2"
The class library
is loaded and for each SAP GUI mode a spearate object of class
is created. The function
of this object is called, passing the given strings "par1", "par2",...
as function parameters. The function result is transformed into a string
and set into the given GuiXT variable V[varname]. |
Processing details |
The first
command for a class library "progname.dll"
loads the library into the .NET runtime. If necessary, the library is
first copied from
SAP Web Repository or SAP Mime Repository into the local GuiXT cache
folder. If you use the SAP Web Repository or the SAP Mime Repository, please set a VersionNumber in the session script. The interface libray guinet.dll is also copied, if necessary, Next an object of class classname is created, one for each SAP mode, and the given function funcname of this object is executed. All parameters are passed by value and in string format. The returned value is transformed into string format and stored into the given GuiXT variable. Besides string formats, object references are possible both for parameters and for the return values; see next paragraph. In the called VB function
you may read and write GuiXT variables and longtext variables; for
details see Class "guixt"
in VB. Passing parameters "by reference" is not
supported but you may simulate this by passing the name of a variable
and the use guixt.GetVariable() and guixt.SetVariable(). |
Object references |
Object references can be used
as function parameters and can be returned by the VB function. GuiXT
uses a string representation of the object references and automatically
converts these string parameters to VB object references and
converts a returned object reference to a string. Technically "IDispatch"
interface pointers are used here. You can pass an object reference to a
second VB function and then use the object's methods and attributes.
Exmple: In the VB.NET-Funktion "newcustomer" we create a new object of class "customer" and return the object reference to GuiXT: Public Function newcustomer() As customer Dim c As New customerc.name = "abc GmbH" Return c End FunctionIn a second VB function we expect an object of class "customer" as parameter and we return the name attribute: Public Function customername(ByVal cust As customer) As String Return cust.name End FunctionIn GuiXT we call the first function and store the result into a variable. Later on we can call up the second function and pass the "customer" object: CallVB c1 = mylib.class1.newcustomer ... CallVB name = mylib.class1.customername "&V[c1]"
Debugging | You may
use the "Stop" command in your VB.NET function to start the
Visual Studio debugger. Alternatively, you can use the "Debug->Attach to process" function for the "saplogon.exe" process in order to activate debugging dynamically for a running SAP session. |
Example 2 | We start
Excel with some demo values:
// GuiXT Script Set V[sales.1] "2584" Set V[region.2] "Europe" Set V[sales.2] "1228" Set V[region.3] "Asia" Set V[sales.3] "1628" // call excel
In VB.NET we add a reference to "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel" in order to be able to use static typing:
' VB Dim oXL As
Excel.Application oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application") oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Add() oSheet.Cells(k, 1).Value = guixt.GetVariable("region." & k) oSheet.Cells(k, 2).Value = guixt.GetVariable("sales." & k) Next Return oXL End Function |
Components | GuiXT + Controls |