Purpose With CopyText you can copy texts between files, screen areas and text variables.
Examples CopyText fromText="t1" toScreen="X[LONGTEXT]"

The text in text variable "t1" is copied into the text area  X[LONGTEXT] on the screen.

Format CopyText from...="name1" to...="name2"

The following are supported: fromText, fromScreen, fromFile, fromTemplate, fromString, -fromClipboard, toText, toScreen, toFile, toString, -toClipboard, toSharedText, fromSharedText.
In each case, please specify at least one of   fromText or toText.

fromText="t1" toText="t2" Text t1 is copied into text t2
fromText="t1" toScreen="X[area]" Text t1 is copied into screen area  X[Area].
Please observe: The text is actually copied when the screen is displayed, or with the next  "Enter" in an InputScript (asynchronous processing).
fromText="t1" toFile="dsn" Text t1 is copied into file dsn.
fromText="t1" toStructure="V[strname]" Text t1 is copied into the structured variable strname
fromText="t1" toTable="V[tabname]" Text t1 is copied into the table variable tabname
fromText="t1" toString="varname" The beginning of text t1 is copied into the variable varname.
fromText="t1" -toClipboard Text t1 is copied into Windows clipboard.
fromText="t1" toSharedText="s1" Text t1 is copied into a shared text s2 (independent of  SAP mode)
toText="t1" fromSharedText="s1" The shared text s1 is copied into text s1
toText="t1" fromScreen="X[area]" The text in screen area  X[Area] is copied into text t1.
Please observe: The text is actually copied when the screen is displayed, or with the next  "Enter" in an InputScript (asynchronous processing).
toText="t1" fromFile="dsn" File dsn is copied into text t1.
You can also copy files on http or ftp servers or in the SAP Web repository (Notation: http://..., ftp://..., SAPWR:...).
For http files, you can include HTTP headers, something like a file snippet or an API key, with the following notation:
... fromFile="http://[httpheaderstring].... Example: ... fromFile="http://[Range: bytes=0-500]www.xxx.com/..."
toText="t1" fromStructure="V[strname]" THe structured variable strname is copied into text t1. 
toText="t1" fromTable="V[tabname]" Table variable tabname is copied into text t1. 
toText="t1" fromDirectory="dsn" A list of all file names in directory dsn is copied into text t1. You can use wildcards  * and ? as in the MS DOS "dir" command. Example: fromDirectory="C:\GuiXT\*.gif". Subdirectories are ignored, but see option "-subdirectories"
toText="t1" fromTemplate="dsn" File dsn is copied into text t1; all &-Variables will be replaced.
toText="t1" fromString="varname" The content of variable varname is copied into text t1.
toText="t1" -fromClipboard The content of Windows clipboard is copied into text t1


-append The source text is appended to the target text.
-appendLine The source text is appended to the target text as a new line.
line= Only in combination with  toString=. You specify the number of the desired line, starting with 1.

After CopyText you can use if Q[ok] in order to query whether the desired line has been found.

delimiter= In combination with  toString= and line= and with toTable= or fromTable=:
Instead of "line feed" the specified character is considered as delimiter.
-json In combination with  toStructure=, toTable=, fromTStructure=, fromTable=:
The JSON (JavaScript object notation) data format is used for the content of the structured or table variable
-hexadecimal Only in combination with  fromFile=The content of the file is read into the text variable in hexadecimal format.
-noCache Only in combination with  fromFile=Bypasses the GuiXT file cache when the file is read. Otherwise files from SAP Web Repository, SAP MIME Repository and network files are read from GuiXT cache if the cache option is ticked in GuiXT profile.
-subDirectories Only in combination with  fromDirectory=.  Instead of a list of file names, all subdirectory names are copied into the text."
Components GuiXT + InputAssistant