Purpose of GuiXT With GuiXT you can add comfort, speed and intuition to your use of the SAP system. Writing only a few lines, you can integrate images and texts into the SAP forms, rearrange fields, offer radio buttons instead of coded input, and create push buttons for selected functions. 
Technology GuiXT is based on a simple scripting language. You define the layout of an SAP screen in the form of a series of commands.
Example del [Translation dte]  
pos [First line item] (8,0) 

The entry field Translation dte is deleted and the field group First line item is shifted to row 8, column 0

Create and edit a GuiXT script How do I create and edit a GuiXT script?
Go to the SAP screen that you wish to modify. Click on Edit->Script in the GuiXT Menu. Now the text editor (Notepad) for the corresponding script is started. You can also use our Script Editor Pro which offers a WYSIWYG mode and many additional GuiXT specific features.
Format of script commands
  • Each script command has its own line. 
  • Blank lines are ignored. 
  • Comments within a line are made possible with the sign //. 
  • Each line starts with the script command, e.g. pos
  • Screen elements are in square brackets, e.g. [Translation dte] 
  • Screen coordinates are in normal brackets, e.g. (8,0)
  • To use inverted commas " within strings in scripts use double inverted commas ""
  • GuiXT script lines can be up to 4000 characters long
& Tricks
  • The parameter StartHidden Yes in guixt.ini suppresses the GuiXT window completely. An alternative is StartMinimized Yes
  • If a script command seems to have no effect, the reason might be a wrong name for a screen element. For example, you might have written [Translation date] instead of [Translation dte]. When you open the script window in GuiXT, you can see the corresponding syntax error messages. In order to open the script window you click on View->Script.
  • Instead of your writing the script by hand, you can use our Script Editor Pro which offers a WYSIWYG mode and many additional GuiXT specific features.