Purpose |
The function module
offers you a comfortable way to read the SAP database in a GuiXT script. You execute the function with the Call statement. Both single and multiple records can be returned by the function. Prerequisites:
Import of the function module |
Authorizations |
You can either execute the
Call with the RFC user specified in the GuiXT profile or with the user
that is currently logged on (option -currentUser
in Call command). Following authorizations are needed:
Function group authorization
for /GUIXT/DB01: Here XXXX is the SAP authorization group of the table that you want to read (internally stored in table TDDAT). Note: The table display
autorization S_TABU_DIS is checked in the same way in the SAP transactions
SE16 and SM30 and in the standard function module RFC_READ_TABLE. |
Parameters |
Required parameters:
Optional parameters:
in.table= |
Table or table view to be
read. Example: ... in.table="T001" In addition to normal tables you may use the search help views M_..., e.g. M_MAT11 and views that join several tables. For example, the view "VBAKUK" for a customer order returns both general information from table VBAK and status information from table VBUK.
Joining tables The table authority is checked for all joined tables. |
in.Condition= |
Search condition in the format
of the ABAP "Select" command. Example: ... in.Condition="BUKRS = '1000' ". Note that ABAP strings are enclosed with inverted commas.
As usual the content of a
script variable is addressed by &V[varname]: If you want to compare one column with the value in another column, use the notation table~column, e.g.: ... in.Condition="PARVW = 'RE' AND KUNNR <> KNVP~KUNN2" For further details see the ABAP "Select" documentation. A search condition is always required, specified either with in.Condition= or with table.Conditiontable=. The
parameter is restricted to a total length of 4000 bytes. If you need to
pass many keys, e.g. 1000 customer numbers, use the
parameter which allows any number of lines, each with a
maximum length of 4000 bytes. |
in.Fields= |
List of field
names, separated by commas. Only the given fields are read from the
database. Example: ... in.Fields="KUNNR,NAME1,NAME2,ORT01,STRAS,PSTLZ,LAND1". The field values are returned in external format. You may put a * before the file name in order to prevent the formatting of the value. In this case, date values are returned in format YYYYMMDD and numbers with '.' as decimal separator. Account number, material numbers etc. are returned with leading zeros e.g. 0000002000 instead of 2000. This is useful if you want to use the value in subsequent database calls. It is also possible to specify a field name twice, with and without *, in order to obtain both value formats. Example: ... in.Fields="KUNNR,*KUNNR,NAME1,NAME2,ORT01,STRAS,PSTLZ,LAND1". If no field list is specified, the number of records that fulfill the specified condition is returned in the statement parameter Reccount. Field names and Join In case of a "join" operation for several tables, use the notation TABLENAME~FIELDNAME, e.g. ... in.Fields="KNA1~KUNNR,KNA1~NAME1,T005T~LANDX". For database columns in
the format P (decimal packed), I (integer), D (date) or T (time) the
type needs to be specified explicitely. You may add the option "type
P", "type I", "type D", "type T", e.g. ...
or you use the option
"as x", where x is P1,...P30 for packed decimal, I1,...I30 for
integer, D1,...D30 for date, T1,...T30 for time. |
in.Orderby= |
Optionally a list of field
names, separated by comma. The result table is ordered ascending by the
given fields. Example: ... in.Orderby="ORT01,NAME1".
After each field name you may
specifiy "DESCENDING" for descending ordering. Example: |
in.Groupby= | Optionally a list of field names, separated by comma. The result table is grouped according to the given fields; this is needed if you use aggregation functions such as SUM( ). See also Example 6 (below). |
in.Distinct= | With "X" the DISTINCT clause of the Select command is used |
out.Found= | Returns "X" if at least one record returned, "" otherwise. |
out.Reccount= | Returned record count |
table.Values= | Name of a longtext variable which will contain all values returned. Each text line contains one value for the fields specified with in.Fields. If more than one table row is returned, the text lines are repeated for each row. |
table. Conditiontable= |
Search condition in ABAP
"Select" format. In contrast to
you pass a
long text variable that can contain any number of lines.
Example: We assume that a long text variable "kns" contains a list of account numbers. We want to use the account numbers in order to build up the search condition, using an "OR" clause for each account number: Set text[ctab] ""Set V[i] 1 label nextCopyText fromText="kns" toString="kn" line="&V[i]" if Q[ok] if V[i=1] Set V[condline] "KUNNR = '&V[kn]'" else Set V[condline] "OR KUNNR = '&V[kn]'" endif CopyText fromString="condline" toText="ctab" -appendLine Set V[i] &V[i] + 1 goto next endif Call /guixt/dbselect in.table="KNA1" in.fields="KUNNR,NAME1,ORT01" table.conditiontable="ctab" ... |
Example 1 |
Example: We read all customers
with city "HEIDELBERG":
// Clear result table (important for performance reasons) // Read data // Test output Message "&text[r]"
Example 2 |
Read text and city of a plant // Set test data Set V[plant] "1000"
// Clear result table (important for performance reasons) Call /guixt/dbselect cache="session" in.table="T001W" in.Condition="WERKS = '&V[plant]'" in.Fields="NAME1,ORT01" table.Values="r"CopyText fromText="r" toString="pname" line=1CopyText fromText="r" toString="pcity" line=2 Message "Plant &V[plant]: &V[pname], &V[pcity]"
Example 3 |
Search customers by name or by city and display them in your own table control:
// GuiXT Script Pushbutton (1,56) "Search" process="search_customers.txt" size=(2,20) if V[rcount]Table (4,10) (20,182) name="rtab" Title="&V[rcount] Kunden gefunden" rows="&V[rcount]" Column "Customer" size=12 name="kunnr" -readOnly Column "Name" size=32 name="name1" -readOnly Column "Post code size=12 name="pstlz" -readOnly Column "City" size=32 name="ort01" -readOnly Column "Street size=32 name="stras" -readOnly Column "Created" size=12 name="erdat" -readOnly endif
// clear result table (performance!) // clear table control data // read data. Set maximum record count because of table control
limitation. in.table="KNA1" in.fields="KUNNR,NAME1,PSTLZ,ORT01,STRAS,ERDAT" in.username="&V[user]" in.maxcount=100 in.condition="MCOD1 like '&V[mcod1]%' and MCOD3 like '&V[mcod3]%'" out.reccount="rcount" table.values="r" // fill table control Set V[row] 0 label nextrowSet V[row] &V[row] + 1 Set V[k] &V[k] + 1 CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtab.cell.kunnr.&V[row]" line="&V[k]"if Q[ok]Set V[k] &V[k] + 1 CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtab.cell.name1.&V[row]" line="&V[k]" Set V[k] &V[k] + 1 CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtab.cell.pstlz.&V[row]" line="&V[k]" Set V[k] &V[k] + 1 CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtab.cell.ort01.&V[row]" line="&V[k]" Set V[k] &V[k] + 1 CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtab.cell.stras.&V[row]" line="&V[k]" Set V[k] &V[k] + 1 CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtab.cell.erdat.&V[row]" line="&V[k]" goto nextrow endif Return |
Example 4 |
Join: Read customers with
country name from KNA1 and T005T
// clear result table // Join the tables KNA1 and T005T in.fields="KNA1~KUNNR,KNA1~NAME1,KNA1~LAND1,T005T~LANDX" _ in.condition="KNA1~LAND1 EQ 'CH' AND T005T~SPRAS = 'E'" _ table.values="r" // Test output |
Example 5 |
Using SAP DDIC domains: Read
the text of a functional location The external key of a functional location may differ from the internal key, since SAP usees a conversion exit. // clear result table Call "/guixt/dbselect" cache="session" in.TABLE="IFLOTX" _ in.CONDITION="SPRAS = '&V[_language]' AND TPLNR = @TPLNR" _ in.DOMNAME1="TPLNR" in.DOMvalue1="&V[iw_tplnr]" in.FIELDS="PLTXT" _ table.VALUES="r" // Test output |
Example 6 |
Various options in one call For a given material number the 10 customers with highest sales anin a particular year (here:2017) are determined. We join the tables S001 (sales data), MAKT (material texts ) and KNA1 (customers).
// Use a fixed material number for testing Call "/guixt/dbselect" _in.table="S001 join KNA1 on KNA1~KUNNR = S001~KUNNR join MAKT on MAKT~MATNR = S001~MATNR" _ in.fields="KNA1~KUNNR,KNA1~NAME1,MAKT~MATNR,MAKT~MAKTX,S001~STWAE,sum( S001~UMNETWR ) as P1"_ in.groupby="KNA1~KUNNR,KNA1~NAME1,MAKT~MATNR,MAKT~MAKTX,S001~STWAE" _ in.orderBy="P1 descending" _ in.condition="S001~MATNR = @MATNR and S001~SPMON like '2017%' and MAKT~SPRAS = 'E'" _ in.domname1="MATNR" in.domvalue1="&V[mymaterial]" _ in.maxcount="10" _ table.values="r" // Test output |
Components | GuiXT + InputAssistant |