Purpose With the Icon-command you can change the icon in the SAP title line. By doing this, you are able to differentiate between two applications at a glance, even if they are only in the taskbar.
Example Icon "C:\Icones\guixt.ico"
Format Icon "Name of file.ico"

The icon appears instead of the SAP icon in the top left corner of SAP screens or in the taskbar before the name of the program.

You can define icons in 16x16 or 32x32 format.

& Tricks
  • If you put the Icon-command in the script of the SAP logon screen, it will appear on all following screens
  • If you want to have client specific icons, you can include the Icon-command in the script of the system menu S000
  • You can define the icons as "transparent". In this case, the background colour of the icon will be the colour of the taskbar
  • Programs helping you in designing or editing icons are either available as shareware in the internet or included in various development systems
Components GuiXT