You have developed the scripts on your local PC and tested them with a few users. Now you want a large number of users to work with the new masks. The following points should be taken into account:

Have all the required GuiXT programs (guixt.exe and guixt.dll) been installed on the users' PCs (and in the right version)?

New GuiXT versions are delivered with the SAP GUI patches. It is possible to use later GuiXT versions (both guixt.exe and guixt.dll together) with another SAP GUI version. You can add your own files (e.g. guixt.ini) to a SAP GUI patch and distribute them together: see SAP info 512040. Perhaps other tools are used in your company for software distribution. Please make sure that all users are working with the same version and that the scripts have been tested with this version.

The GuiXT setup program can be started in "unattended" mode using one of the follwowing options:

  • guixtsetup.exe /qr
    The user interface does not show any wizard dialogs
  • guixtsetup.exe /qb
    Only a progress bar will be shown during the installation
  • guixtsetup.exe /qn
    No UI will be shown during the installation

Where do we store the scripts and how do we update them?

In general it makes sense to have a central location for your GuiXT scripts; SAP web repository is useful for this purpose. You might use a network fileserver or http server instead, if this is available and safe. To minimize network load you can activate the GuiXT file cache. If you use SAP web repository you can further optimize replication speed by using the "VersionNumber" command.

Define GuiXT profiles for user PCs

To store GuiXT profiles in the windows registry only makes sense if you use a specific tool to update registry entries for all user PCs. Otherwise it is preferable to work with a local guixt.ini that refers to a central ini file. The local ini file then contains the entries  

IgnoreRegistry  Yes
SwitchTo        \\server\.....\guixt.ini  //central ini file

Later on you can simply change profile parameters in your central ini file.

Please observe the following parameters in your local ini files: "StartHidden Yes" to hide the GuiXT window, "IgnoreRegistry Yes" to ignore local profile entries. Activate GuiXT file cache if desired.

Information for users, presentation of changed screen layout and

Even though the new screen layout will be easier to handle than SAP standard, the users will have to be initiated to the change, so it is certainly a good idea to provide guidelines by means of a short training session.

Planning for ongoing improvement and
fine tuning

As a rule, no one is better placed than the users themselves to come up with the best ideas and propositions for making the work faster, easier and more productive and enjoyable.  Plan for this continuous improvement process right from the start (propositions for development of scripts, version control, tests, rollout).