Purpose With Mark you can mark entry fields with a small red cross. For example, you can mark all fields that should be entered by the user.
Examples Mark F[Base unit of measure]
Mark F[Base unit of measure] "-green"
Mark F[Base unit of measure] image="C:\GuiXT\circle.gif"
Format Mark [entry field]

A small red cross is displayed in front of the entry field

-red Color red (Default)
-green Color green
-blue Color blue
-yellow Color yellow
-black Color black
-white Color white
image= Instead of a small cross the specified image file (e.g., .bmp, .gif) is displayed.
imageHeight= Image display height in pixels. Default: 10
imageWidth= Image display width in pixels. Default: 10
-text The mark is displayed in front of the field designation text
help files in html or PDF format
Component "Controls" is required for this option

When the user clicks on the small red cross, the help file  viewHelp="..." is displayed at the right hand side of the SAP screen. Interactions with SAP can be specified in the html file, as described for the  View-command  (Setting values, calling functions).

The connectHTML function is automatically executed for the page displayed.

Mark [entry field] viewHelp="filename.html"

Example Mark F[Base unit of measure] image="help.gif" viewHelp="doc_unit.pdf"  
Options for ViewHelp
viewHelpWidth= Width of the help display (in pixel). If no width is specified, 40% of the total window width is taken.
It is also possible to specify the width in percentage, e.g. viewHelpWidth=60%
viewHelpHeight= Height of the help display (in pixel). If no height is specified,  the total window height is taken.
It is also possible to specify the height in percentage, e.g. viewHelpHeight=50%
viewHelpPosition= Position (upper left corner) of the help display in the form (row,column). E.g.: viewHelpPosition=(10,50). Or relative to other screen elements, e.g.  viewHelpPosition="F[Material]+(1,30)".
If you specify a position without specifying width and height, the whole window is used, starting at the specified position (lower right part of the window).
Example Mark F[Base unit of measure] image="help.gif" viewHelp="doc_unit.htm"  viewHelpWidth="200"
& Tricks
If you need the small cross icons separately, for example in order to display a short explanation of the signs, you can use the Image command and the filenames
  • "mark_red.res"
  • "mark_green.res"
  • "mark.blue.res"
  • ...
Components GuiXT