You can transform complex, multiple-screen SAP transactions into single-screen transactions, thus increasing both ease of use and data entry speed. On this page we will show you a typical example, including the SAP standard transaction, our simplified transaction, and the necessary scripts.


1 A short example: G/L Posting with FB01

We have chosen a simple example: implementing fast G/L postings in the SAP posting transaction FB01. The SAP standard already contains a similar function (click on "G/L item fast entry"), so in reality it would not be necessary to use GuiXT here. But in the SAP standard system the "fast and easy" variants of SAP transactions are only available for a few business cases.

With our new approach you can select the most often used processes of your company, and with a relatively small amount of work you can help your SAP users a lot.

First we look at the standard data entry in FB01 for our special case (entering 2 G/L line items). The user starts with the header data; he enters the posting key and account for the first line item.


2 FB01 standard, Screen 2

On the second screen he enters the amount for the first line item and the posting information for the second account.


3 FB01 standard, Screen 3

The third and last screen is only necessary for entering the amount of the second line item.

4 FB01 standard, Screen 4

The system then returns to the initial screen and displays the posting message.


5 FB01 simplified

Let us assume for this example that some SAP users enter G/L postings of the above type quite often.  With GuiXT we place all necessary input fields on the first screen. The user can enter all values here, then he presses the "P o s t" button. The users stays on this screen and gets the final posting message right there.


6 FB01 simplified: Error messages

Error messages that might be issued by the SAP standard transaction are also displayed on the initial screen, even if they occur on screens processed later on.



7 GuiXT Script

The relevant  commands in the GuiXT script are the definition of additional input fields (command InputField), and the process= parameter in the Pushbutton command. It refers to the Input Script below.


8 InputScript

The InputScript defines the mapping of the input values to the fields of the SAP multiple-screen transaction, and the necessary navigation commands.