Purpose With ProcessingOption you can set special processing options.
Example ProcessingOption returnOnError="Off" continueOnPopup="Off"
Format ProcessingOption option="On/Off/value"  

The  option is switched on or off, or a certain value is set. The default for each option is shown below as an example.

All options that control the processing of an InputScript are reset to their default value when the InputScript is started. The other options remain valid for the whole session; they should be set in the session script esession.txt.

continueOnPopup="On" On: If a popup screen is not found in the InputScript, it is displayed and the InputScript is continued.
Off: If a popup screen is not found in the InputScript, the InputScript is terminated with the display of the popup.

Use in: InputScript

returnOnError="On" On: If the SAP application issues an error message, the start transaction is called again, all input values are filled in again, and the error message is displayed.
Off: If the SAP application issues an error message, the InputScript is terminated and the error message is shown on the current screen.

Use in: InputScript

treatWarningAsErrors="Off" On: Warning messages are treated as error messages.
Off: Warning messages are skipped, but inserted in the status window (see StatusMessage).

Use in: InputScript

maxWarnings=20 Number of warning messages to be processed automatically for each screen. A further warning message is treated like an error message.

Use in: InputScript

ignoreWarningOnNewScreen="Off" On:  Ignores warning messages displayed on a new screen
Off: Executes an "Enter" if a warning message is displayed

Specify in: InputScript

ignoreErrorOnNewScreen="Off" On:  Ignores error messages displayed on a new screen
Off: The error message stops the execution of the InputScript

Specify in: InputScript

ignoreInfoPopup="Off" On:  Automatically confirms the system popup SAPMSDYP.0010 (messages from ABAP application)
Off: The system popup SAPMSDYP.0010 must be handled explicitly in the InputScript

Specify in: InputScript

leadingSpace="Off" On: In commands like  Set V[x]  " ... ", leading space in the  given string is kept.
Off: In commands like  Set V[x] " ... ", leading space in the  given string is deleted.

Use in: session script

trailingSpace="Off" On: In commands like  Set V[x]  " ... ", trailing space in the given string is kept.
Off: In commands like  Set V[x] " ... ", trailing space in the given string is deleted.

Specify in: Session-Script

searchHelpTransaction="ZXF4" Transaction code used for the search help function (F4) for your own input fields.

Use in: session script

dropDownListMouseWheel="On" "On": Activates changing the value of a GuiXT drop-down list using the mouse wheel.
"Off": Deactivates changing the value of a GuiXT drop-down list using the mouse wheel in order to avoid erroneous value changes.
DebugRFC="Off" On:  Each GuiXT Remote Function Call (RFC) is processed in ABAP DEBUG Mode. This includes internal Calls (e.g. reading from SAP Web Repository).

Off:  Normal processing without Debugging.

keepRFCSystem="Off" On:  If the SAP application calls a transaction in a different SAP system via RFC, GuiXT will still use the scripts of the calling system. The GuiXT profile parameter "EnableSystem" is not evaluated for the called system.

Off:  If the SAP application calls a transaction in a different SAP system via RFC, GuiXT will still the scripts of the called system. The GuiXT profile parameter "EnableSystem" is  evaluated for the called system.

rfcCodePage="none" Specifies an SAP codepage to be used in all subsequent RFC call. If not specified, GuiXT will use UTF-8 for Unicode systems and the current SAP session codepage for non-Unicode system.
Selects a font and font size for the history / local value help window.
Font weight between 1 (thin) and  9 (heavy). 
maxStepCount=1000000 Maximum number of script statements to be processed. Default value is one million. To prevent infinite loops, script processing is aborted if this value is exceeded.
Use in: InputScript or GuiXT script.

Please note: In an InputScript, each "Screen" command resets "MaxStepCount" to its default value.

rfcDisconnect=10 Specifies whether RFC connections are kept through several dialog steps. The following values are possible:

On or 1: The RFC connections are closed after each dialog step

Off or 0: The RFC connections are kept

n>1: An RFC connection is closed if it has not been used within the last n dialog steps



.. file="filename"

On:  Switches the Input Recording on

OffSwitches the Input Recording off

The output goes to the file specified.



.. file="filename"

On:  Switches the InputScript Trace on

OffSwitches the InputScript Trace off

The trace output goes to the file specified; new records are appended.

You may use the string &time within the filename; it is replaced by the current time (hour and minutes, format hh.mm). For example:

ProcessingOption InputScriptTrace="On" file="C:\temp\trace.&time.txt"

The ouput file name at 16:34h will be  "C:\temp\trace.16.34.txt"



.. file="filename"

On:  Switches the RFC Trace on

OffSwitches the RFC Trace off

As described for inputScriptTrace=



.. file="filename"

On:  Switches the System Trace on

OffSwitches the System Trace off

As described for inputScriptTrace=

DateFormat= Sets the date format for CheckDate and the input formatting of InputField ... -date. If no date format has been set by ProcessingOption Dateformat=  GuiXT calls the standard function module BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL via RFC to determine the user's default date format.

Possible date formats are:

"1"  or  "DD.MM.YYYY"
"2"  or  "MM/DD/YYYY"
"3"  or  "MM-DD-YYYY"
"4"  or  "YYYY.MM.DD"
"5"  or  "YYYY/MM/DD"
"6"  or  "YYYY-MM-DD"
  resets the date format so that GuiXT will re-determine it from the user's default settings

DefaultScript="" The specified script will be processed if no script was found for the respective screen.
Overrules the Windows setting for the decimal separator key on the NUM keyboard part (point or comma).

tabOnEnter="Off" -session

With "On" the ENTER key is mapped to the TAB key for the current screen.

With -session the specified TabOnEnter setting becomes valid in all screens of the current SAP GUI session. You normally put this command into the session script.

uiLog="Off" With "On" writing of the UI Log is switched on, with "Off" it is switched off

... uiLogLicense=

The UI Log component requires a separate license key, which you will receive from Synactive when you purchase the component. During the term of the maintenance contract for InputAssistant UI Log can be used free of charge; please request the corresponding free license key from Synactive.

... uiLogProject=

Name of the project under which the measurement data is stored (transaction /GUIXT/UILOG). Maximum 12 characters.

... uiLogTransactions=

List of transaction codes, separated by commas, for which the measurement should be active.

... uiLogInterval=

Time interval in seconds for sending the collected measurement data to the SAP server; the minimum is always the completion of a transaction.
Recommended values for relatively few users activated for UI Log: between 1 and 60

... uiLogFile=


Local file name in which the measured values are stored. There is then no direct sending to the SAP server. Transaction /GUIXT/UILOG allows you to upload a measurement data file.


// Activating UI Log for 5 Users
if V[_user=SMITH] _
r V[_user=DAVIS] _
V[_user=WILLIAMS] _
or V[_user=JONES]  _
or V[_user=ANDERSON]

  // Switch on for 3 days
  Set V[thisday] "&V[today_d.m.y]"
  if V[thisday=01.09.2020]
  or V[thisday=02.09.2020] _
  or V[thisday=03.09.2020]  

    ProcessingOption uiLog="On"  _
     uiLogProject="A02" _
     uiLogTransactions="VA01,VA02" _
     uiLogInterval=30 _
    ProcessingOption uiLog="Off"

Tips & Tricks If you've used the option DebugRFC="On" before making a function call you need to reset the flag DebugRFC="Off" after the function call, since call does not reset the flag.

Please use the following coding:

ProcessingOption DebugRFC="On"
Call ...
ProcessingOption DebugRFC=

Components GuiXT