S10 applications can be integrated into the SAP Fiori Launchpad. This means on the one hand, dynamic information can be displayed on tiles that are read via ABAP methods. read. On the other hand, the applications can also be started via a tile and executed embedded in the launchpad. can be executed.

This ensures seamless integration with other applications such as Fiori Apps and also standard SAP transactions is guaranteed.

Tiles with dynamic information about the currently selected customer

The S10 application with details of the selected customer:

Functionality details
  • All data of a tile can be set in an ABAP method:
    Title and texts, icon, KPI, colors and indicators.
  • The embedded S10 applications can be standalone or views of a common application. application.
    In the link you can define which view and, if necessary, which tab should be displayed at startup. should be displayed.
  • Fiori apps or standard transactions can be called from S10 applications
  • When starting an S10 application, a login is automatically performed
First, the creation of dynamic tiles will be described, followed by the embedding of existing S10 applications into the Fiori Launchpad.

The SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer is used to create new tiles. This can be called, for example, via transaction /UI2/FLPD_CUST, whereby the application is then launched in the browser. Tiles are each assigned to a assigned to a specific catalog:

In contrast to Fiori tiles with their respective Odata services, the S10 Framework uses only one generic service is used and controlled via parameters. The service then returns the data for the respective tiles in JSON format, so that the Launchpad can display the information can display the information on the tiles:

Syntax of the service URL:

The information for the tile "Current customer" is read via the following service URL in the "customer" class, in the "/S10/CIS" program and the "tile_customerdetails" method:


Note: By passing the parameters in the URL, certain characters must be encoded, therefore the slashes in the name of the program "/S10/CIS" are coded as %2F.

The called method has as changing parameter a reference to a structure of type a structure of type /s10/fiori_tile. This will be evaluated later and sent back to the Fiori launchpad in JSON format:

ABAP Method
          options  type string
          tileinfo type /s10/fiori_tile.

method tile_customerdetails.

* Read data
* ... 

* Fill tileinfo structure for fiori tile

    tileinfo-title = kunnr_out.
    tileinfo-subtitle = kna1-name1.
    tileinfo-info = kna1-land1 && | | && kna1-pstlz && | | && kna1-ort01.
    tileinfo-number = ''.
    tileinfo-icon = 'sap-icon://customer'.


Embedding existing S10 applications
Fiori tiles can be defined as ordinary links to access any URLs to call. However, in order for the S10 applications to start embedded in the Launchpad and not in a new window or tab, the links must be defined as so-called semantic objects in the SAP system. Then they can be entered as target in a tile definition.

Application definition
First, a target URL must be created in the transaction LPD_CUST (launchpad definition). must be created. The following parameters are important here:

Application type URL
URL Path to the S10 application, optionally with parameters
(The parameters can be evaluated with s10session->clientquerystring)
Application alias Name of the semantic object specified in the Fiori tile
Additional information managed=FioriWave1
This ensures that the application is launched embedded in the Fiori Launchpad

Without the additional parameter, the application will open in a new browser tab by default.
Navigation mode Inplace

Transaction "LPD_CUST"

Definition of the semantic object
In SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer, a semantic object can be created via "Target assignments that defines the opening of an S10 application as an action. For this purpose the following parameters must be set:
Semantic object Any name, which will be entered later in the tile definition
Aktion Name of an action, in principle freely selectable
Application type SAP Fiori app uses LPD_CUST
This references the element in the launchpad definition (transaction LPD_CUST)
Launchpad role Name of the role in the launchpad definition
Launchpad instance TRANSACTIONAL
Application alias Name set in the launchpad definition


Definition of the target URL
The semantic object can now be assigned to a tile in SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer:

The user can now click on the tile and open the corresponding S10 application directly in the Fiori Launchpad.

Component S10 Framework