The s10standardname() method is implicitly called by the S10 framework when the
name "attr@text" is specified in HTML for a class attribute "attr", for example
HTML <div
You can use the same notation in table columns, for example
It is also possible to call s10standardname() in your ABAP program, e.g.
ABAP land1 =
'CA'. countrytext = s10standardname( 'land1' ).
A standard name for the specified key is returned, for example the country
name "Canada" for the country key "CA". To assign the text, the S10 framework
uses the text table defined in the SAP Data Dictionary for the data element.
For some data elements such as customer number, the primary table, in this case
KNA1, is read and the customer name is returned.
In some cases, other
fields are required in addition to the actual value field to determine the
text. For example, the region "BW" means "Baden-Württemberg" in Germany and
"Berwickshire" in England according to SAP table T005U. Even in such cases, the
assignment of the correct text usually works, because the S10 framework for
accessing the text table automatically adds further attributes - in this case
the country key - if a suitable attribute is defined in the class. The
assignment is done via the SAP memory ID and the domain name.
If the
assigning of the standard name does not provide anything for some attributes,
for example, because you have defined an attribute only as a "string" without
reference to the Data Dictionary, or because no text table is assigned in the
Data Dictionary, you can use the inheritance mechanism to redefine the method
s10standardname() of the superclass /s10/any and implement it appropriately for
the attribute in question.
As an example, when outputting a customer, we
want to output the name of the user who created the customer master record. In
table KNA1, the ERNAM field contains the SAP user name, but no text table is
assigned to it. As default name we read the name of the user.
HTML <div
ABAP methods: s10standardname redefinition.
* redefinition of s10standardname() for certain attributes method s10standardname.
case to_lower( attrname ). when 'ernam'.
* read user name
data: usr type usr03.
call function 'SUSR_USER_ADDRESS_READ' exporting user_name = ernam importing user_usr03 = usr exceptions others = 1.
if usr-name2 is not initial. concatenate usr-name1 usr-name2 into text separated by space. else. text = ernam. endif.
* call up super method for all other attributes when others. text = super->s10standardname( attrname ). endcase.