Function Validates the attributes of an object
Examples s10validate( ).

s10validate( "kunnr" ).
Format data:
  myattrname type string,
  myparmcount type i,
  mycontinue type abap_bool.

      attrname = myattrname
      parmcount = myparmcount
      continue = mycontinue ).
Name Type Description
attrname string
Attribute name
parmcount i
Parameter count
continue abap_bool
'X' = further validations present
Description With s10validate( ) without specifying an attribute name, all validation methods "validate_..." of the object are explicitly called. This can be useful before saving the data, for example.

Implicitly the method s10validate() with specification of an attribute name is called by the S10 framework to run all validation methods "validate_..." after a user input, in which the specified attribute is checked individually or in combination with other attributes.

In the case of error messages in validation methods, the input fields just checked are automatically displayed as incorrect in HTML (CSS class "error" ).
Components S10 Framework