Purpose With Screen you initiate the automatic processing of a screen in an InputScript.

When the InputAssistant processes a transaction internally, the next matching Screen command in the InputScript is searched and the corresponding script commands are performed. If no matching Screen command can be found, the screen is displayed and the user can complete the transaction.

Example Screen SAPMF05A.0300

This initiates the processing of screen 0300 of program SAPMF05A.

Format Screen program.screennumber
& Tricks
  • For nested screens only the top screen is specified, i.e. the screen where the user fills in the values.
  • Specify the screen number with 4 digits
  • You should not use Screen commands within if ... endif, since this makes the script hard to understand, and sometimes the behaviour will be quite unexpected. Bad example:

    Screen S1

       Set V[x] "a"

       if V[x=b]

    Screen S2
            Enter "xx"

    Screen S2
            Enter "yy"


    Assume that we have Screen S1 and then  Screen S2. Does GuiXT now process Enter "xx" or Enter "yy"? In fact, in this example,  Enter "xx" is executed, since GuiXT looks for the next matching Screen command for Screen S2, without considering open if statements of previous screen blocks.
    Instead, please close all open "if" statements in each screen block

    Screen S1

       Set V[x] "a"

    Screen S2
       if V[x=b]
    Enter "xx"
          Enter "yy"

    In some cases it makes sense to use goto/label:

    Screen S1

       Set V[x] "a"

       if V[x=b]

    Screen S2
       Enter "xx"
       goto l_continue

    label l_b
    Screen S2
       Enter "yy"

    label l_continue
Components GuiXT + InputAssistant