variable content example
general status information
&V[_user] user's name BAKER
&V[_client] client 001
&V[_language] language E
&V[_transaction] transaction code MM03
&V[_transactionid] transaction id: transaction code plus a sequence number MM03.7
&V[_title] name of SAP screen display material
&V[_database] name of SAP system C11
&V[_ashost] name of host server pwdf0042
&V[_program] current main program name SAPMF05A
&V[_dynpro] screen number 0100
&V[_last_fcode] last function code /NVA02
&V[_homedir] SAP GUI folder name C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\sapgui
&V[_hostname] Name of frontend PC dw0158
&V[_sapgui_version] Version of SAP GUI 640
&V[_sapgui_patch] Patch level of SAP GUI 21
&V[_sessioncount] Number of active SAP GUI sessions 3
&V[_usercataloggroup] Assigned user group according to user catalogue G01
window size


window width in pixel
window height in pixel

screen width in pixel
screen height in pixel



position of cursor




position of cursor: row and column
available in an InputScript if the user has placed the cursor in an input field 

name of the field where the cursor is placed
technical field name

name of the table where the cursor is placed
technical table name

name of the column where the cursor is placed
technical column name


Company code

All items



position of cursor: number of the table row and number of the table column, in each case beginning with 1
absolute line number within the table
available in an InputScript if the user has placed the cursor in a table cell
&V[_listcursorrow] position of cursor in lists: row (begins with 0) 7
&V[_listcursorcol] position of cursor in lists: column (begins with 0) 48
&V[_lastwarning] text of the last warning during in the processing of an InputScript W: date is in the future
&V[_lasterror] text of the last error message during in the processing of an InputScript, with transaction, program and dynpro number given in brackets E: booking code X2 is not permitted (FB01,SAPMF05A,0300)
&V[_message] message text (information) receipt 100000444 was recorded in booking number 1000
&V[_msgid] message id 05
&V[_msgno] message number 055
&V[_msgtype] message type W
&V[_exception] exception message text after a function call with option  -try Material 15088 not found
contents in lists
contents of the lines in a list

note: vertical and horizontal lines in the list are represented internally by numbers (4,5,..) 

5M-06   10000 05 
&V[_listline] content of the list line in which the cursor currently is 5M-02   28000 09 
&V[_liststring] string within the list line in which the cursor currently is 28000 
extra indications in lists and tables
&V[_listfirstvisiblerow] first filled row on current screen in lists and tables 252
&V[_listlastvisiblerow] last filled row on current screen in lists and tables 280
&V[_listlastrow] total count of rows in lists and tables 578
position of a click on an image
&V[_image_click_x] x-coordinate within image (horizontal) 12
&V[_image_click_y] y-coordinate within image (vertical) 04
&V[_image_size_x] image width on screen 300
&V[_image_size_y] image height on screen 40
date and time
&V[today_ymd] actual date in the form: year month day 20021224
&V[today_hms] time of day in the form: hour minute second 154810
&V[today...] predefined variables and calculations with today+... or today-... are possible. In the calculations,  + or - as well as d=day, h=hour, m=minute, s=second may be used. &V[today_m/d/y]  --> 12/24/2002
&V[today_h:m] --> 15:48
&V[today_d.m.y h:m] --> 24.12.2002 15:48

&V[today+1_m/d/y]  --> 12/25/2002
&V[today+14_m/d/y]  --> 1/7/2003
&V[today-1_m/d/y]  --> 12/23/2002

&V[today+6h_h:m]  --> 21:48
&V[today+12h_m/d/y]  --> 12/25/2002

&V[today_user] Date in the format chosen by the user, e.g. or mm/dd/yyyy.

Please note: You need a valid RFC user in the  GuiXT profiles with appropriate permission to execute the function module BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL



variables in GuiXT script and history directories
&user user's name BAKER
&client client 001
&database name of SAP system C11
&winuser Windows user name (in GuiXT script directory and history directory) Smith