Menu path analysis

Retrieve menu path analysis
Enter In transaction /guixt/uilog enter the UI Log project and, optionally, further selections (transaction, date...). Then select "Menu paths" and start with F8:

overview screen
Here all entries for menu item calls are listed. The arrow symbolizes the call of a submenu. The user times are calculated by assuming 1.5 seconds per called submenu.

replace menu entries with push buttons
Often used or nested menus can be optimized to provide the user with an easily accessible button. The function "GuiXT optimization" generates a push button for each selected item in the transaction script.

Pushbutton for displaying the permits in a service order:

1. In the UI log the usage of the menu was recorded:

2. In the evaluation this entry can be selected and a GuiXT script can be generated:

3. The script directly makes a push button available in the original transaction: