InputScript analysis

Retrieve InputScript analysis
Enter in transaction /guixt/uilog enter the UI Log project and, optionally, further selections (transaction, date...). Then select "InputScripts" and start with F8:

Overview screen
It lists all scripts that were called by GuiXT during the recording.

Show diagram
By pressing "diagram" you can call up a graph for one or more selected lines. On the X-axis the runtimes of the individual calls of an InputScript are entered. On the Y-axis these calls are counted so that the height of the bar corresponds to the number of calls.

In general, most calls of an InputScript will have similar runtimes. Deviations and problematic times can be easily identified and analyzed here.

Opening an InputScript
With the button "Open InputScript" the selected script can be opened directly in the Script Editor. If the script is stored in the SAP MIME or Web Repository it is downloaded from there and opened as a temporary file.