Company address

You can provide the address of your company to CIS mobile. It will then be displayed in all PDF documents created in CIS mobile. To do so, open the administration menu und extend the topic "Company address".

Providing the company address

Company address in a PDF document created by CIS mobile

Company logo

You can upload your company's logo that will be displayed top right in all PDF documents. To do so, open the topic "Company logo" in administration and choose an image file on your disk. Please don't forget to save your changes.

Please note that the file needs to be a .png image-file and the height should not be more than 50px.

Upload and use your company logo

Image on logon screen

The logon screen can be customized for each supported language by editing the corresponding HTML files. By default, just one image file is displayed. This image can easily be replaced within the CIS mobile administration menu.

The image file is saved in directory config\images as logon.png. Replace this file by hand or use the comfortable upload function.

Upload your own image file for the logon screen

Customized logon screen