Default mapping
'My customers' The list "My Customers" is determined by CIS mobile in the following way by default:
Via SAP HR, infotype 0015, the personal number
of the logged on user is read. "My Customers" therefore contains all customers for which
this number is selected for the "sales employee" (partner function VE)
within the sales area. |
Customized mapping You can define your own mapping instead by returning a list of customer numbers within the VB.NET method "MyClients" in the CIS add-on project. ![]() ![]() Customized VB.NET method "MyClients" (still empty)
As input parameter the method retrieves an CIS-dictionary object
containing the username, organizational data and, if available via SAP
HR, the personal number. The customer numbers have to be returned in the
parameter "customernumbers" which is parameterized as an array of strings in
VB.NET. The method needs to return the 'true' statement if CIS
mobile is to use this customized list of customers. |
Example As an example we want to implement the mapping as it is used as a default by CIS mobile, via the VE partner function. To read the data we use an ABAP routine "MYCLIENTS" in the add-on function module "/GUIXT/CISADDON_INTERFACE". More details about the technique used here can be found in the section "Retrieve data from the sap system" ![]() ![]()
* 1 Personal number * 2 VKORG xxxx * 3 VTWEG xx * 4 SPART xx * * Out * List of KUNNR form MYCLIENTS tables reqparm resparm changing rc type c msg type c. data: pernr like pa0105-pernr. data: vkorg like knvp-vkorg. data: vtweg like knvp-vtweg. data: spart like knvp-spart. Read Table reqparm index 1 into pernr. Read Table reqparm index 2 into vkorg. Read Table reqparm index 3 into vtweg. Read Table reqparm index 4 into spart. * Customer numbers data: begin of customers occurs 10, kunnr like kna1-kunnr, end of customers. Select kunnr from KNVP into table customers where vkorg = vkorg and vtweg = vtweg and spart = spart and pernr = pernr and parvw = 'VE'. * return customers Loop at customers. resparm = customers-kunnr. Append resparm. Endloop. Endform. |