The detailed
step by step installation instructions for CIS mobile are available in
PDF format:
CIS mobile Installation
Short overview
CIS mobile is launched on
the mobile device (eg iPad) directly in the browser; nothing needs to be
installed. The browser application sends requests to a Windows server
running CIS mobile as an IIS application ( Microsoft Internet
Information Services ).
The installation process therefore consists in configuring the IIS
application "CIS mobile" and the connection to your SAP ERP system.
1. IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Services)
Here the CIS mobile application runs in an application pool and is
accessible from the outside via a browser. The application logic,
implemented in VB.NET, is invoked in the form of ISAPI DLLs.
2. The configuration files for CIS mobile
CIS mobile communicates in different ways with the ERP system. You need
to specify how your SAP ERP system can be accessed from the Web server
("connection string").
3. ABAP function modules in SAP ERP
You can access data in SAP ERP by RFC (Remote Function Call). For
many of the functions predefined function modules (BAPIs) are delivered by SAP.
In some cases this is not sufficient and so it is necessary to
implement your own ABAP routines. Three ABAP function modules are
provided with CIS mobile and these can be installed via the SAP
transport system.