You can use the standard SAP search help for your own input fields defined by InputField for example, to search for customer numbers, purchase orders, materials, etc.


  • Create transaction /GUIXT/ZXF4 in your SAP system by importing the SAP transport request into your SAP System.
  • Assign transaction /GUIXT/ZXF4 in the session script "esession.txt" by

    ProcessingOption searchHelpTransaction="/GUIXT/ZXF4"

When defining the input field, use techName= to refer to the technical SAP name of a field whose search help you want to use, or use searchHelp= to specify the name of the search help directly (according to SAP transaction SE11). Example:

InputField (10,1) "Currency" (10,12) size="3" name="xcurr" techName="BKPF-WAERS"


The F1 help is also automatically available by techName=:



For further options, such as creating your own search helps or passing parameters to other fields to the search help, see the documentation for InputField and the articles in Tips, Tricks & Samples.