GuiXT Availability Description

2000 Q4 12

December 8, 2000
Corr Correction of the previous version (error message display )  

2000 Q4 11

December 8, 2000
Corr Correction of the previous version (display of R/3 error message text)  

2000 Q4 10

December 8, 2000
Corr In some screens with subscreens +  own box definitions, other elements are hidden behind the new boxes 
Corr Syntax error when comment starting with // in if-command lines 

2000 Q4 09

December 4, 2000
New SetCursor cell[table,column,row]
New NoLeadingZeros (for fields and table columns)
New "SwitchTo" parameter in guixt.ini switches to a central ini file
Corr Shifted fields in some case only visible after mouse click (fields shifted from one subscreen into a new box of another subscreen)

2000 Q4 08

November 10, 2000
New GuiXT directories on web server (starting with http:// or ftp://)
(Example: Directory1, for optimal performance: combine with GuiXT file cache)
New Encrypted GuiXT scripts (usage: guixt.exe encrypt script.txt encryptedscript.txt)
New Abbreviated table names (e.g. cell[All it.,Amount,5])
2000 Q4 07 November 8, 2000
Corr Error in GuiXT version 2000 Q4 06 only: Script not active if error message on screen
2000 Q4 06 November 6, 2000
Corr Missing group boxes in some screens if material number layout active + no script

2000 Q4 05

November 3, 2000
Corr Wrong display of new screen elements (texts, pushbuttons,...) within scrollable screen areas (after scrolling)
Corr Wrong position of controls in certain screens (R/3 Rel. 4.6)

2000 Q4 04

October 22, 2000
Corr Capacity limits for large screens (e.g. VA01) increased
Corr New Pushbuttons did not work in Rel. 3.1 version of SAP GUI (since GuiXT Q4 03)                                         

2000 Q4 02

October 12, 2000
Corr In some environments (especially some Win95 systems) error in front.exe when closing an R/3 session                
Corr Missing field names in report selection screens (for R/3 Rel 4.6 and upward)
Corr Handling of shifted tabstrip + own screen elements
Corr Pending image window in some rare situations

2000 Q4 01

September 28, 2000
Corr Moving a control with pos X[...] sometimes with wrong positions

2000 Q3 09

September 15, 2000
Corr "&cell[...]" did not work for table columns at the right hand side of a combobox column
Corr Uppercase input for material number worked only in combination with existing GuiXT script
Corr Text display length too large in some cases (e.g., 4.6 VA01 "Payment terms")
Corr R/2 Download not possible if GuiXT active

2000 Q3 08

September 6, 2000
New TableWidth command
Corr Checkbox without label did not get a name

2000 Q3 07

August 25, 2000
Corr Image cache growth could cause memory problems
Corr Images in .jpg format with "-noBuffer" option: memory leak
Corr NoInput: input via matchcode selection still possible
New Uppercase command for input fields and table columns
New Numerical command for input fields and table columns
New Automatic uppercase input for material mask option

2000 Q3 06

August 4, 2000
Corr ColumnSize with non-existing column name closed SAP GUI

2000 Q3 05

July 21, 2000
Corr SAP GUI 4.6B and upwards, large screens + additional GuiXT elements: Error in front.exe
Corr SAP GUI 4.6B and upwards, changes within scrollable screen areas: wrong display
New Variables &[ _user] &[_client] &[_database] &[_host] &[_transaction]
New Apostrophe " within strings in scripts: use double apostrophe ""

2000 Q3 04

July 16, 2000
Corr Cache option always active in profile
Corr GuiXT+SAP GUI <4.6B: Script not immediately active in new mode (/O...)
Corr Transparent images sometimes with black background

2000 Q3 03

July 12, 2000
Corr "InputField ... default=..." worked with previous input value instead of default value if the user did not change the default value
Corr SAP GUI 4.6C: Flickering in case of InputSet activation (sometimes)
Corr Field names where pushbutton between label and entry field (mainly used in R/3 4.6C)
Corr Cursor position of screens without input field (e.g. F4-calendar)
2000 Q3 02 June 28, 2000
Corr View with html templates: &#[...]-notation
Corr View with html templates: special character like <, >, & in field values
2000 Q3 01 June 26, 2000
Corr Set cell(...) did not work in some cases (R/3 4.6 only)
Corr NoInput for tables worked only for homogenous table format
Corr Moving fields (with pos) moved other tabstrip elements
2000 Q2 11 June 16, 2000
Corr Pushbutton with "/Menu=..." command did not work
Corr Deleting or renaming tabs did not work (in GuiXT versions > 2000 Q2 04)
Corr Position of multiple images on scrolled windows not correct
2000 Q2 10 June 13, 2000
Corr Right-clicking Saplogon 4.6B in the task bar and selecting 'About Frontend' caused error in front.exe
2000 Q2 09 June 11, 2000
Corr Problem with image position if scrollbar on previous screen and SAP GUI < 4.6B
Corr Cursor position after F4 data entry (sometimes in 1st field on screen)
New NoInput for single table columns: NoInput [Table,column]
2000 Q2 08 June 7, 2000
Corr F1/F4 for shifted fields did not work in some cases
2000 Q2 07 June 5, 2000
New Changing the nomenclature in R/3 (see Special Topics)
2000 Q2 06 May 29, 2000
New GlobalTextReplace replaces text in all R/3 screens
2000 Q2 05 May 19, 2000
New Substring notation for variables, e.g. &[Material](3-8) extracts 6 characters (3 to 8)
2000 Q2 04 May 15, 2000
New FieldSize can now increase the size a scrollable field (up to its maximum field length)
Corr Error in some screens with nested subscreens (fields at wrong positions)
Corr Set command for table cells had sometimes no effect in R/3 4.6
2000 Q2 03 May 11, 2000
Corr "Title" statement did not work in double-byte mode
Corr SAP GUI 4.6B: GuiXT did not automatically close after closing all R/3 sessions
2000 Q2 02 May 05, 2000
New ColumnWidth changes the column width in a table control
New ColumnOrder changes the column order in a table control
Corr Double-byte language support enhanced
Corr "Set" and "Default" for table cells did not work for some screens
2000 Q2 01 April 24, 2000
New ColumnHeader changes the column headers in a table control
New GuiXT script lines up to 4000 characters long instead of 256
New if Q[ScreenVariant=xxx] for transaction variants
2000 Q1 24 March 31, 2000
Corr Wrong frame positions in screens with local tabs or local scrolling
2000 Q1 23 March 22, 2000
New Support of "-text" option for mark command
New if Q[User=xxx]
2000 Q1 22 March 20, 2000
New Cursor position in Input Sets (table cell input)
New Multiple input values in local value help
2000 Q1 21 March114, 2000
Corr RFC and script download if R/3 connection via Saprouter
2000 Q1 20 March 7, 2000
New Automatic replication of scripts and images from central servers to local cache
2000 Q1 18 March 1, 2000
Corr R/3 4.0 + SAP GUI 4.6B: logon script without language key (e.g., logon.txt instead of elogon.txt) if 2nd R/3 logon
2000 Q1 16 February 22, 2000
Corr Listimages always searched in script directory
Corr Problem with logon screen (versions 2000 Q1 13-15)
2000 Q1 15 February 21, 2000
Corr Problem with large screens for SAP GUI 4.6B. If you use SAP GUI 4.6b: Install patch for front.exe (Build 1483) from SAP
New Profile parameter Optional No (guixt.ini only, for SAP GUI 4.6b and higher only) greys the GuiXT-Option in SAP GUI (GuiXT always active)
2000 Q1 14 February 16, 2000
New Mark command
2000 Q1 13 February 11, 2000
Corr Syntax messages for some comment lines //
Corr License key (new format) in guixt.ini
2000 Q1 12 February 9, 2000
Corr Problem with own radiobutton definition (in some cases one had to press Enter 2 times)
2000 Q1 11 February 3, 2000
Corr Transparency option for images with 4 or 16 color palette did not work (or even crashed)
Corr Cursor position sometimes on first field text instead of input field
2000 Q1 09 January 28, 2000
Corr Problem on PCs with slower processors in combination with some SAP GUI levels (not 4.6B)
2000 Q1 08 January 26, 2000
Corr SAP GUI 4.6A (Final Release) + GuiXT 2000 Q1 (01-07) produced errors (Dr. Watson in front.exe)
2000 Q1 07 January 24, 2000
Corr Own radiobuttons for subscreen fields did not work in some special cases
2000 Q1 06 January 24, 2000
New Shifting R/3 controls (e.g. image control) with pos X[...]
New Default values for table control cells with Default cell[table,colname,row]
New Default values for "drop down" entry fields
New &-variables for "drop down" entry fields
New Radiobuttons for "drop down" entry fields
2000 Q1 05 January 20, 2000
New "-transparent" option in Image command for .gif images
Corr Call Statement (RFC) used always client 000 instead of current client
Corr Initial cursor position after field rearrangement
2000 Q1 03 January 18, 2000
New Simplified license key handling for productive users
Corr Cursor positioning for shifted fields
2000 Q1 02 January 12, 2000
New Images on popup screens
New NoInput now applicable for combobox style entry fields
Corr Problem with Desktop Shortcut (SAP GUI 4.6b + GuiXT script for logon screen active)
2000 Q1 01 January 1, 2000
New Support for SAP GUI 4.6B
InputAssistant Availability Description

2000 Q4 12

December 8, 2000
Corr Correction of the previous version ( error handling in InputScripts )  

2000 Q4 10

December 8, 2000
Corr "Enter"  followed by error message  could in some cases result in strange-looking screens (2 screens mixed)

2000 Q4 09

December 4, 2000
New Picking values from R/3 list display:
&[_liststring] and similar variables for lists

2000 Q4 08

November 10, 2000
New Encryption of InputScripts
Corr InputHistory for new fields with same name as original screen fields

2000 Q4 03

October 19, 2000
Corr Error messages now ignored in InputScripts if not related to field input
Corr Pushbutton with "process=" restricted function code to 6 characters
Corr Interference of new input fields with existing old fields on same position (Input history)
Corr SAP-URL: Unescape-function (%20->Space)

2000 Q4 01

September 28, 2000
New if V[...<number] if V[...>number]
if U[...<number] if U[...>number]
New Calculations with Set V[...] string1 op string2 (op: +,-,*,/)
New SetWindowFromPoint V[...] (row,col)
for passing a window handle to a dll exit function
Corr cell[] with variable index, e.g. cell[All items,Order quantity,&V[i]]
Corr SetCursor in InputScripts failed

2000 Q3 09

September 15, 2000
Corr InputAssistant history function for pop-up screen and splitted screens did not always work
Corr "&cell[...]" in InputScripts before 1st screen command did not refer to the new input value
New Checking data entry via InputScripts
New Trace-Option for InputScript processing

2000 Q3 08

September 6, 2000
New InputScript: SetCursor (row,col) in lists
New "Retry on error" in InputScripts

2000 Q3 07

August 25, 2000
New Show history on right or middle mouse button (Profile options)

2000 Q3 06

August 4, 2000
New "Process=" parameter in "Input="option (Images and html-SAPURL)
New "No return on error" command in InputScript
New Processing of current screen in InputScripts: if/else/endif, set, call before first Screen line

2000 Q3 05

July 21, 2000
Corr InputField with default: Default value active (but not shown) after error message
Corr InputScripts: menu texts sometimes not up to date after InputScript processing
New Deleting values from input history (use del button)
2000 Q3 03 July 12, 2000
Corr Setting Radiobuttons in InputScripts did not work
2000 Q3 01 June 26, 2000
New AppendFile with template option
2000 Q2 05 May 19, 2000
New File handling for input scripts: OpenFile, ReadFile, AppendFile, CloseFile (See Special topics")
Corr Local value help did not work if program name with namespace /.../
2000 Q2 03 May 11, 2000
Corr "Set" for table row selector within InputScripts
2000 Q2 02 May 05, 2000
Corr Special characters (like ä,ö,ü,...) not accepted in parameter names
Corr Input Recording for table columns without heading
2000 Q2 01 April 24, 2000
New On with "/Menu=..." for menu selection
Corr InputField + default restored the default value with each Enter
Corr using with absolute coordinates ( using parname = #[...,...]) did not work
2000 Q1 19 March 2, 2000
Corr In some special cases wrong toolbar at end of InputScript Processing
2000 Q1 17 February 24, 2000
New InputScript processing in new mode (/O..-pushbutton with Process parameter)
2000 Q1 15 February 21, 2000
New Keyboard support for history+local value help (use Applications key of Microsoft Natural Keyboard), arrow and enter button for value selection
New InputAssistant supports table control (table cells with history and local value help, InputSets for table cells)
2000 Q1 14 February 16, 2000
New Goto and Label commands in InputScripts
2000 Q1 13 February 11, 2000
New Goto und Label statements in InputScripts (e.g. to skip screens)
2000 Q1 12 February 9, 2000
Corr R/3 Release 4.6 some InputScripts terminated with "Control error"
2000 Q1 06 January 24, 2000
New Permanent binding of V[..]-variable to self-defined input fields
New Set for table control cells with Set cell[table,colname,row]
New Set for "drop down" entry fields
2000 Q1 03 January 18, 2000
New On Enter processing of InputScripts
2000 Q1 02 January 12, 2000
New Input History for fields on popup screens
Corr Input History for renamed input fields did not enter the selected value
2000 Q1 01 January 1, 2000
New Input Recording
New SetCursor command in InputScript
New Enter "ScrollToLine=" command in InputScript
New Enter "Menu=" command in InputScript