previous years:
2001 2000

GuiXT Availability Description

2002 Q4 9

December 16, 2002

Corr In some cases SAP GUI crash if GuiXT activated via SAP GUI options on screen with table control

2002 Q4 8 

December 1, 2002

Corr GuiXT on R/3 Rel. 3.1: "Invalid terminal data" (previous version only)

2002 Q4 7 

November 23, 2002

Corr Roles information not refreshed for new user/system if saplogon not closed (SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 only)
Corr Text command did not change field label (SAP kernel 6.20 only)

2002 Q4 6 

November 6, 2002

New GuiXT profile option: script download via current client (instead of client 000)
Corr SAP Kernel 6.20 only: Fieldsize statement did not work
Corr SAP Kernel 6.20 only: Error in "drop down list" field handling (Set, Default

2002 Q4 5 

October 28, 2002

Corr Correction for previous version 2002 Q4 4 only: "Invalid function code" in some situations (especially R/3 Rel. 4.0) 

2002 Q4 4 

October 27, 2002

New Specifying a client for SAP Web Repository access logon: "sapwr,client=xxx:... and "sapwr,client=*:..." (current client).  

2002 Q4 3 

October 13, 2002

New Checking the GuiXT version with if Q[GuiXTVersion<...]
Corr OLE initialization in guixt.exe: Link to MS Word not possible in some situations 
Corr Windows error message shown in error popup if SAP WR access failed (cache file not written)
Corr Profile and role not refreshed for new user/system if saplogon not closed (SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 only)

2002 Q4 2 

September 27, 2002


GlobalTextReplace changed only 1st field text on each screen (version 2002 Q1 4 only)

2002 Q4 1 

September 26, 2002


Enhanced trace entries for web repository access

2002 Q3 12 

September 17, 2002


Problem with testkey / installation number: GuiXT not active

2002 Q3 11 

September 6, 2002

Corr SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 with other font size than 7x14 (100%): wrong image position and size in mode   2,3...  (GuiXT assumed 7x14 in the additional modes)
Corr Fields within boxes in some cases shown after mouse click only 
Corr Error on selection screens with radiobuttons  

2002 Q3 10 

September 2, 2002


pos [..] "-triple" did not work in 2002 Q3 08-09 

2002 Q3 9 

August 26, 2002


set cell[table,0,n] "X" did not work in 2002 Q3 08 

2002 Q3 8 

August 22, 2002


Corrections for SAP Kernel Rel. 6.10 / Rel.6.20


SAP GUI 6.20 Patch16: Controls (e.g. easy access menu)  shown in 1st mode only


Version 2002 Q3 7 only: Own Radiobuttons not working in some screens (e.g. IW31) 

2002 Q3 7 

August 9, 2002


Capacity problem if many license keys installed (total size was 256 characters, now 2000)


Position of images + mark in SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 if GuiXT activated within SAP session


In certain scripts, depending on screen size, table control not displayed


del M[FC] (FC = internal function code) did not work for 'system' function codes, only M[/FC] accepted


Error if del M[...] on large menus ( e.g. Menu S000 in Rel. 4.5) 

2002 Q3 6 

July 25, 2002


Deleting menu items with del M[...] 


RFC-Error if logon group name contained / or space 


SAP GUI 6.10/6.20: exception in SAP GUI if  "del T[table]"

2002 Q3 5 

July 15, 2002


Problem with "Enabled R/3 systems"  if different systems active simultaneously 


RFC-Error (SAP GUI 6.20 + load balancing): Group='...' instead of Group="..." generated


Enhanced image display for 8 and 16 bit color mode 

2002 Q3 4 

July 7, 2002


Tab performs automatic "Enter" if new row is required at end of table


Deleted pushbuttons in toolbar could become visible if popup screens active


Text changes in conjunction with error messages ignored (e.g., edit mask in transaction IL01)


Shift+Tab, in conjunction with Tab statement, did not return to previous field


Group boxes not always resized after "compress"

2002 Q3 3  June 26, 2002

Sporadic error in table control display, especially with "ColumnSize" statement 


"&cell[...]" (apostrophe) in cell value not handled correctly   

2002 Q3 2  June 20, 2002

(previous version 2002 Q3 1 only)  GuiXT not active in some systems

2002 Q3 1  June 19, 2002

Old images still visible on new screens in some cases (fast change between screens + many images)  


SAP GUI 6.10/6.20: Sporadic problem with images

2002 Q2 10  June 2, 2002

cell[...]-notation took wrong column in some cases (table with a column of type radiobutton that invokes a functioncode when clicked)

2002 Q2 9  May 16, 2002

Problem with print preview screen (last 2 versions only) 

2002 Q2 8  May 14, 2002

Correction for SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 (access violation, mostly on 6.20 and Windows XP)

2002 Q2 7  May 11, 2002

Correction for SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 (multiple sessions)  

2002 Q2 6  May 91, 2002

Include statement in GuiXT Scripts


FileAccessTimeout parameter in guixt.ini sets maximum allowed file access time, in seconds, for http://, ftp//:, \\server files. Default value: 300 seconds.


SAP GUI 6.20: License problem if  SystemId and LogonId different 


Fieldsize statement not considered in automatic subscreen resizing  

2002 Q2 5  May 1, 2002

(only for InputAssistant)

2002 Q2 4  April 30, 2002

SAP GUI 6.10/6.20: Pending screens in some situations (popups + several sessions active) 

2002 Q2 3  April 28, 2002

Support for ITS Webgui (with ITS 6.10 Patch 12 and upwards)


Starting .doc, .pdf files via "Image" or "View"  caused GuiXT error in some cases  

2002 Q2 2  April 16, 2002

Option -scrollable in FieldSize command

2002 Q2 1  April 2, 2002

Toolbar in GuiXT


del #[x,y] and pos #[x,y] with subscreen coordinates deleted/shifted whole subscreen

2002 Q1 06  March 20, 2002

Corrections for GuiXT for webgui (ITS) and SAPConsole

2002 Q1 05  March 14, 2002

GuiXT not active in SAP GUI 3.1, 3.0. 4.5 in version 2002 Q1 4


Radiobutton with name=... and default=X  ignored default-value


Scripts from http-Server: browser cache now bypassed , not existing files now cached in GuiXT cache as well 


Technical name (without language key) did not work for some table names

2002 Q1 04  March 7, 2002

Notation  ... parameter="xxx" supported  (instead of "parameter=xxx")   


Problem with group box display in local tabstrips


SAP GUI 6.10: problems with start via shortcut or SAPlogonPad   


SAP GUI 6.10: deleting first tab removed all tabs


Problem with  guixt.ini from http/ftp -Server (SwitchTo) if SAP GUI-directory read-only


tabs with leading space character (icon+text) not working in Q[Page=...]


RfcConnect ashost=... sysnr=...   or 
RfcConnect mshost=...  (load balancing) 
in guixt.ini sets RFC connection data for script download or Call
(temporarily necessary with SAP GUI 6.10 before patch 16)

2002 Q1 03  February 19, 2002

RfcConnect ashost=... sysnr=... router=... sets RFC connection data for script download (transaction variants)
(temporarily necessary with SAP GUI 6.10 before patch 16)

2002 Q1 02  February 8, 2002

ButtonSize command for touch screen applications, e.g. ButtonSize P[Display] (3,20) 


&winuser in GuiXT script directory and history directory names is replaced with windows user name


Images in .bmp format from web repository or ftp/http servers not found 


GlobalTextReplace changed "to" field in selection screens 


Shifted fields within a new box not correctly shown in some cases

2002 Q1 01  January 26, 2002
New Support for SAP GUI 6.10/6.20
New Compress command for group boxes and other screen areas
New Language independent names for multi-language installations  
Corr Possible problem with pending function keys 
Corr Problem with subscreens of nesting level > 10  
InputAssistant Availability Description

2002 Q4 9 

December 16, 2002

New TextBox command to display and edit texts
Corr History for fields with a label ending with ":" did not work (e.g.: "Material:")
Corr Problem with subscreen assignment (scrollable screen parts) if InputField with "-nolabel" option
Corr On "fcode" ignored in some cases (no problem with On "Enter" or On "/..." or On "/Menu=..."

2002 Q4 8 

December 1, 2002

Corr Problem with own pushbutton "/O...." and  process="..." ("/o... " instead produced no error message)

2002 Q4 7 

November 23, 2002

New Enter ... OnError="Continue" continues InputScript processing after error message
Corr Wrong error message if InputScript activated that contains no " Screen" command , and  performs an "Enter /N..." .

2002 Q4 6 

November 6, 2002

Corr Error messages not shown in some situations
Corr InputScripts in SAP ITS environment did not refresh last screen

2002 Q4 5 

October 28, 2002

Corr Correction for previous version 2002 Q4 4 only: "Invalid function code" in some situations (especially R/3 Rel. 4.0) 

2002 Q4 4  

October 27, 2002

New Options Size=and StopRequest= in Statusmessage  
New Support of Enter in InputScripts before 1st Screen command (overrides function code in script, and can depend on input data)  
Corr Blank screen in SAP GUI 4.6D if InputScript started from popup screen (e.g. XD01) and returned
Corr Enter "/O...." Process=... in InputScripts did not process GuiXT script again for current screen
Corr InputScripts for screens of internal size >60K stopped
Corr Screens with warnings at end of InputScript skipped
Corr Sporadic problem with F4 (SAP GUI 6.10)

2002 Q4 3 

October 13, 2002

Corr InputScript processing required several button clicks in some cases 

2002 Q4 1 

September 25, 2002

New Enter "/ScrollToLine=..."  Table=...   scrolls a specific table on screen 
New GetTableAttribute returns table attributes 
New InputField: up to 9 matchcode field parameters instead of 3 (shname1,...9, shdestX, shselnameX, shvalueX). 
(New version of ZGUIXTF4 required)
New InputField: special handling of  ...searchhelp="GUIXT.ORGEH" (hierarchical view of organization).  
(New version of ZGUIXTF4 required)
New DecimalSeparator sets point or comma (a default decimal separator is set according to the logon language)
New Set with computations: additional options decimals=   decimalseparator=   groupseparator=
Corr SetCursor on own InputFields did not work in some cases
Corr InputScripts did not handle all types of warning messages
Corr Problem with InputScripts running in simultaneous sessions (SAP GUI 6.10/6.20)

2002 Q3 12 

September 17, 2002

Corr Problem with testkey / installation number: GuiXT not active

2002 Q3 11 

September 6, 2002

New Domain files in web repository, e.g. "Domains   SAPWR:Z.GUIXT.DOM"
New "&database" in domain directory, e.g. "Domains    F\\P0012\GuiXT\Domains\&database"
Corr SAP GUI 6.20 Patch16 ff and upwards, GuiXT 2002 Q3 08-10: InputScript starting from large screen (e.g. VA01 with 10 table lines on screen) crashed

2002 Q3 8 

August 22, 2002


Matchcode for own input fields with additional selection of up to 3 fields (download of  ZGUIXTF4 version 2002 Q3 8 required as well) 


"Enter" not processed in InputScripts in some situations

2002 Q3 7 

August 9, 2002


HistoryUpdate on/off  to override GuiXT profile setting for each screen  


HistoryUpdate [screen element] off  deactivates the history update for a single field (e.g. a date field) 


Parameter shname="..." in InputField statement (matchcode/search help field name)


Own checkbox set V-variable to "N" instead of " " when unselected


Own checkbox with empty label "": variable not updated


History data filled in from top to bottom, including fields in scrolled part of screen


History function for own checkboxes and radiobuttons

2002 Q3 6 

July 25, 2002


Matchcode for own input fields fills up to 3 additional fields, or V[..]-variables
(download of new ZGUIXTF4 version required as well) 


F15 after InputScript called same transaction in some situations

2002 Q3 5 

July 15, 2002


InputScripts: Popup screens without matching "screen" command are displayed, InputScript is continued after user action 


StatusMessage window only shown on first "add string" or warning message


Images/Mark of start screen still visible if InputScript ended on popup screen 


RFC-Error "Language AS not available" if  InputScript in Web Repository started with /O 

2002 Q3 4 

July 6, 2002


Input Recording generated "SetCursor" with technical field name

2002 Q3 3  June 26, 2002

Tab defines a new tab order for fields and table columns 

2002 Q3 1  June 19, 2002

SAP GUI 6.10/6.20: matchcode on own fields could produce crash on certain systems

2002 Q2 10  June 2, 2002
New Option -strict  after comparisons respects uppercase/lowercase:  if V[name=value] -strict

Default for history directory according to "temp" environment variable

2002 Q2 9  May 16, 2002
New Link command for cell[....]

InputScripts on webgui (ITS server)

2002 Q2 8  May 14, 2002

Correction for SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 (access violation, mostly on 6.20 and Windows XP)

2002 Q2 7  May 11, 2002

Correction for SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 (multiple sessions)  

2002 Q2 6  May 9, 2002

Correction for SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 (multiple sessions and input history display)

2002 Q2 5  May 1, 2002
New StatusMessage statement

Own F4 help: some matchcode types not shown 


InputRecording and  History not working in version 2002 Q2 4

2002 Q2 4  April 30, 2002

F4 help for own fields not working (some SAP GUI 6.10 versions only)

2002 Q2 3  April 28, 2002

Support for ITS Webgui (with ITS 6.10 Patch 12 and upwards)


Problem with saplpd (local printing) and InputScripts

2002 Q2 2  April 16, 2002

Parameter maxlength= in InputField  command


ReadFile read only up to 12 variables (now: up to 20)

2002 Q2 1  April 2, 2002

Set C[...] "&V[variable]" did not reset checkbox if  V[variable] = Space

2002 Q1 06  March 20, 2002

Problem with Radiobutton command in 2002 Q1 05 (if name=... specified without value=... )

2002 Q1 05  March 14, 2002

"On Enter" in combination with "=..."-input ( matchcode)  

2002 Q1 04  March 7, 2002

Domain files: Special characters (é,à,..) deleted at end of line


F4 help for own input fields: problem with Citrix server

2002 Q1 03  February 19, 2002
Corr &F[..]-values in InputScripts taken from starting screen  instead of current screen in some cases 
Corr Input History button (all fields) set deleted fields as well 
2002 Q1 02  February 8, 2002

F4 for own fields copied only 1st character in some cases


R/3 Rel. 4.5: Error message from RFC not shown 

2002 Q1 01  January 26, 2002
New Support for SAP GUI 6.10/6.20
New System variables [_cursorrow][_cursorcol][_tabrow][_tabcol]