previous years:
2002 2001 2000

GuiXT Availability Description

2003 Q4 2

November 22, 2003

New System specific profile with "Switchto  ....&database..."    or "Switchto    SAPWR:..." in guixt.ini
New Column selection in table control: Set cell[tablename,columnname,0] "X"
New Using standard icons for own toolbar buttons, e.g. "Save"-icon: 
Pushbutton (toolbar) "Save order"  "/0"  "F11"  Process="saveorder.txt"
Corr Start="..." parameter image pointing to Web Repository object did not work
Corr Problem with combining "Versionnumber" and transaction variants
Corr Technical field names F[..] missing for some elements in GuiXT 2003 Q4 1
Corr del M[xxxx] did not work for "exit" function codes xxxx (del M[/Exxxx] worked)

2003 Q4 1

October 1, 2003

New NoInput [Table,*,row] cancels the input possibility for a row
Corr Displayed width of screen areas containing tabstrip enlarged 

2003 Q3 6

September 21, 2003

New Cache encryption option (scripts / user catalogue): profile or "CacheEncryption  Yes" in guixt.ini
New NoInput: option -SearchHelp 
New Text: options -intensified and -proportional 
Corr SAP Rel. 4.7: NoInput for table columns mixed up column values
Corr Problem with shifted tabstrip and scrollable areas
Corr Wrong technical name of tabstrip elements S[...]
Corr Help file directory SAPWR:....
Corr History + InputSet activation for different sessions 

2003 Q3 5

September 4, 2003

Corr All user function codes ignored (SAP GUI Patch 36 and above, some systems only) 
Corr pos with negative screen coordinates: new syntax error message 
Corr del M[...] deleted first menu entry in some cases
Corr Entry field not shown if defined as output field in dynpro, and dynamically changed into input field  (may occur in own ABAP applications)

2003 Q3 4

August 18, 2003

Corr System trace entries for Q[Role=...] and Q[Profile=...]
Corr Encrypted scripts not decrypted (previous version)
Corr SAPWR script access for logon script now suppressed, if "use current client" specified (client not yet known)
Corr Selection screens, "from" fields: &[::...] notation and history with technical field name instead of field label
Corr .bmp images with notation "SAPWR,client=xxx:nnnnnnn.bmp" not displayed

2003 Q3 3

August 9, 2003

Corr SAP Enterprise, new kernel patch level: Termination with "Invalid terminal data" if cursor on own field or button
Corr Images/views not displayed (previous version + some environments with older SAP GUI patches)
Corr SAP Rel. 4.0, scrolling problems with previous version 

2003 Q3 2

July 27, 2003

Corr Memory block not freed in ITS environment
Corr Image position on scrolled screens after InputScript processing

2003 Q3 1

July 1, 2003

New Images in higher-level popup screens (SAP GUI 6.20 only)  
New Location of guixt.ini can be specified via environment variable GUIXT_PROFILE
Corr Double-click on image with Start=... parameter deleted image in some cases  
Corr Function "RfcPassword" in GuiXT not working (crash) in previous version
Corr Image resources not always freed at end of session

2003 Q2 6

June 13, 2003

Corr SAP Enterprise (4.7, recent patch level): Defining own column headers with "ColumnHeader" resulted in wrong table column headers (empty or strange symbols)

2003 Q2 5

May 27, 2003

New ITS (SAP GUI for HTML): special trace option TraceITS   Yes  in guixt.ini
Corr SAP GUI 6.20:  in some situations hanging session after automatic opening of new mode
Corr Wrong  image position if  "I18N" option in SAP GUI activated
Corr SAP GUI 4.6d: limit for own elements on popup screens increased (no limit with SAP GUI 6.20)

2003 Q2 4

May 5, 2003

Corr SAP GUI 4.6d + some Windows 2000 configurations: Error in previous version 2003 Q2 3 (session closed after logon)

2003 Q2 3

April 28, 2003

Corr .jpg images: in some cases wrong  first pixel at left image boundary
Corr Sporadic problem with image display if color depth <32bit 
Corr Namespace prefix /xxxx/... preserved for SAPWR objects

2003 Q2 2

April 11, 2003

Corr Image loading shared for all sessions (performance)

2003 Q2 1

March 31, 2003

New Language independent pushbutton name P [/...], e.g. del P[/8]
Corr Message: Text length was restricted to 255 characters (now no limitation) 
Corr GuiXT on ITS (SAP GUI for HTML): several guixt.exe started in some situations 
Corr System trace: specification of output file possible (instead of listbox) 
Corr SAP GUI 6.20: multi-session handling could freeze session in some situations  
Corr Problem with text length if icon/quick info in text (commands Text, Comment, InputField)
Corr guixt.ini, "SwitchTo http://..." on UNIX server: problem with upper case letters in file name 
(in version 2003 Q1 9 only) 

2003 Q1 9

March 17, 2003

This version contains corrections for InputAssistant  only

2003 Q1 8

March 10, 2003

New Comment lines and inactive script lines (if...endif) colorized in script window

2003 Q1 7

March 3, 2003

This version contains corrections for InputAssistant  only

2003 Q1 6

March 2, 2003

Corr "http://..." did not work as docu directory in GuiXT profile (e.g. "")
Corr Sporadic problem in image display  (SAP GUI crash) if not true color mode (32bit colors)

2003 Q1 5

February 25, 2003

Corr Vanishing fields on some screens with local tab 
Corr Double click on own radiobutton could issue  "/2" command 

2003 Q1 4

January 30, 2003

This version contains enhancements for InputAssistant and Viewer only

2003 Q1 3

January 27, 2003

New Option -statusline in Message command 

2003 Q1 2

January 18, 2002

New Pushbutton statement: size=(rows,columns) 
Corr User names with lower case "Umlaut" (ä,ö,ü)  not found in user catalog  

2003 Q1 1

January 4, 2002

New "Start=..."-strings in images/SAP-URLs: entering texts supported as well  
InputAssistant Availability Description

2004 Q1 1 

December 18, 2003

New F1 for own input fields (new ZGUIXTF4 required) 
Current limitation: no additional functions (hyperlinks, printing) possible
New ReturnValues returns values (to screen or to variables) from /O-mode 
New CopyText toText="xxxx*" ... sets all texts with name xxxx... 

2003 Q4 2 

November 22, 2003

New Option "-alignright" in "Set cell[....]  ..."  
New Setting values in read-only table columns 

NoInput [Table,*,row] cancels the input possibility for a row

New System variable V[_last_fcode] contains last function code
Corr Link F[xxx] V[yyyy] :no F4 value selection in F[xxx] possible  
Corr Problem with InputField option SearchHelpProcess= on popup screens 
Corr Flickering screen if InputScript started on popup screen with WindowSize=... 
Corr No continuation if guixt.exe stopped 
Corr Message statement not working in ITS environment
Corr CopyText ... toScreen=... did not always repaint text window

2003 Q4 1 

October 1, 2003

Corr R/3 Rel. 4.0: Value selection in matchcode for own input fields not working, requires special search help definition
Corr Matchcode for own input fields in SAP Enterprise, newer patch level: "invalid terminal data"

2003 Q3 6 

September 21, 2003

New Substring notation Set V[vname](x-y) "..." (Example in Tips/Tricks No. 17)
New Maximum length of variables V[...] now 4000 instead of 255 
New Call: option -try and system variable V[_exception] 

2003 Q3 5 

September 4, 2003

No InputAssistant corrections in this version

2003 Q3 4 

August 18, 2003

Corr In some situation, "Enter" command had no effect (previous version only)
Corr Wrong size of tables and screens displayed after some InputScripts

2003 Q3 3 

August 9, 2003

Corr Enter with ScrolltoLine= and Table=, in conjunction with setting table cell values, did not scroll on some screens
Corr Input History: Field labels starting with '[' interpreted as input sets

2003 Q3 2 

July 27, 2003

New InputField: SearchHelpProcess= processes InputScript after value selection
Corr List display: incomplete page shown initially in some situations
Corr InputScript started with "/O ..." from maximized SAP GUI window: the new window could not be resized correctly
Corr InputScripts on split screens (e.g. transaction CJ20N): wrong visual effects

2003 Q3 1 

July 1, 2003

New Special notation "fieldname:@history" in input set displays history and local value help window for a field
New Statusmessage: parameter SystemMessages="..." controls display of system messages in status message window
Corr Matchcode for own fields (ZGUIXTF4): in some cases, preselection of field values not working
Corr Radiobutton groups combined if group name beginning of another group name
Corr CopyText: option -appendline in combination with toFile="..." not working

2003 Q2 6

June 13, 2003

New StatusMessage ...  Position=...   
New Renaming transaction ZXF4 (e.g. according to own naming conventions) with 
ProcessingOption  SearchHelpTransaction="..." 
Corr Wrong computation for numbers with 10 places
Corr Own pushbuttons with "process=" on  position (0,0): InputScript processed in some cases on "Enter"
Corr SAP GUI 6.10/6.20 history not available for table cells if GuiXT active

2003 Q2 5

May 27, 2003

Corr Input Recording: Scrolling in tables

2003 Q2 4

May 5, 2003

New RemoveFile removes a file 
New RFC connection kept within one script or InputScript (only one logon) 

2003 Q2 3

April 28, 2003

New Input from external applications (see docu InputSets)
New History and InputSet icons available in popup screens
New TextBox : option -noWordWrap 
Corr In some cases delay when opening new sessions (including matchcode for own input fields)  
Corr Better matchcode screen position (SAP GUI 6.20 only) 

2003 Q2 2

April 11, 2003

New Option MaxWarnings= in ProcessingOption
New Options decimalseparator=UserDefault  and groupseparator=UserDefault in calculations (Set)
New decimalseparator UserDefault sets point or comma according to user profile
Corr F4 for InputFields: underlying window visible in some situations
Corr Input history in some situations not available in new session 
Corr F4 for InputFields + SAP GUI 4.6D: sporadic error in front.exe after value selection

2003 Q2 1

March 31, 2003

New Set V[varname](i-j) "..." sets a substring within a variable
Corr Windows NT, problem with window size/position in matchcode and start via /O
Corr StatusMessage with StopRequest="..." could close SAP GUI session

2003 Q1 9

March 17, 2003

New Calculation and comparison of date fields
Corr Tab command for own input fields did not work in some cases
Corr On:  Error in last version (2003 Q1 8) if fcode="..." not specified
Corr  StatusMessage window  hidden by  popup screens

2003 Q1 8

March 10, 2003

Corr Return with -statusline option did not work before 1st Screen-command
Corr On "...." without fcode="..." set original function code instead of  simple "Enter"

2003 Q1 7

March 3, 2003

Corr "Set" before 1st Screen command not working (last 2 versions only)

2003 Q1 6

March 2, 2003

Corr History  for  InputFields with "maxlength=..." filled only visible part of field 
Corr History file not closed in some situations 

2003 Q1 5

February 25, 2003

New ProcessingOption sets various processing options for InputScripts
Corr "Set" now ignored if value not changed 
Corr Set F[fieldname]+(row,col)  "..." now supported
Corr "On ..." after error messages in some cases without effect
Corr Enter ... OnError=Continue now supported before 1st Screen command
New Option -invisible in InputField
New if Q[ok]  after file operations and CopyText
Corr Flickering screens when matchcode called for own input field (solved in SAP GUI 6.20)
Corr Problem with "Enable controls" and popup screens in some scripts
Corr SAP Kernel 6.20, setting and reading values in tables

2003 Q1 1

January 4, 2003

New CopyText command to copy texts from/to screen, file, and text variable
New InputField: option -intensified 
Corr Continuation after Enter ... OnError="Continue" skipped first line after Enter command