previous years:
2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

GuiXT Availability Description

2005 Q4 4

December 3, 2005

New System variables V[_sapgui_version] and (6.40 only) V[_sapgui_patch]
Corr Profile options in local guixt.ini now possible before SwitchTo statement
Corr "if Q[Page=xxx]" not working for first tab in a nested tabstrip (SAP kernel 1913 and upwards)
Corr Compress command: problem with  tables (SAP GUI 6.40 only)
Corr Problem with scrollbar in "steploop" screens (workaround "NoAreaResize")
Corr Images with decimal places in offset e.g. F[fname]+(-0.8,12) not correctly positioned

2005 Q4 3

November 1, 2005

Corr Tabstrip data not shown if field moved from scrollable part to header area

2005 Q4 2

October 12, 2005

Corr Sporadic problem with script access from SAPWR: wrong script could be stored in cache when opening a /O mode
(workaround: use
VersionNumber statement)
Corr pos S[...] to upper part of screen not working in some screens

2005 Q4 1

October 3, 2005

Corr Sporadic problem (SAP GUI crash) in list display after opening a new mode
Corr Function code /Menu=i,j,k not working in SAP 4.7 with SAP GUI 6.40 Patch 11 and above
Corr Problem with RFC if saprouter with connection string /S/32xx instead of /S/sapdpxx
Corr Cursor offset within field set to 0 (e.g. ABAP-Debugger, F2 on variable set breakpoint)

2005 Q3 4

September 10, 2005

Corr pos G[...]: no upper shift of table within group box in SAP GUI 6.40 + ITS
Corr Database specific guixt.ini files mixed up if logon to different SAP systems with same system number and via logon group
Corr SetCursor (x,y) could cause "invalid sapgui input data" in SAP GUI 6.40

2005 Q3 3

August 15, 2005

Corr dll-Call did not set output parameters (since version 2005 Q2 2)
Corr "Set" with technical field name not working if language dependent + label has different technical field name
Corr Keyboard focus not always on control window (e.g. ALV list control) 
Corr SAP 6.40 kernel (mySAP ERP): "invalid sapgui input data" if cursor on own "text"

2005 Q3 2

July 24, 2005

Corr Compress not working on screens with controls in upper part of screen
Corr del P[button] not working for "Enter" toolbar button
Corr Possible problem when saplogon window is closed

2005 Q3 1

June 24, 2005

Corr SAP GUI 6.40 + SAP Kernel 6.40:  message "invalid sapgui data" if cursor on own screen element

2005 Q2 5

June 3, 2005

New Encrypted cache files from SAP web repository now protected against change
New option -withbox in del S[tabstrip]
Corr SAP GUI 6.40 Patch 10+ SAP Rel. 4.7: Error message "Choose a valid function" if new pushbutton in toolbar
Corr Local printing (saplpd) + message/return statement could terminate SAP GUI

2005 Q2 4

May 19, 2005

New Dynamic texts on images: Image ... textstring=... textfont=... ...

2005 Q2 3

April 25, 2005

Corr Error in previous version 2005 Q2 2 only: if Q[Page] not working if icon displayed on tab

2005 Q2 2

April 22, 2005

Corr Unicode systems: Title command not working and V[_title] empty
Corr SAP GUI 6.40: own elements in some screens not shown unless NoScrollbar specified
Corr RFC password needs upper case translation in SAP GUI 6.40 Patch8 and above
Corr Checkboxes with tooltip: tooltip text added to checkbox name in screen elements

2005 Q2 1

March 31, 2005

Corr SAP Rel. 4.7 + SAP GUI 6.40: Problem in table cell handling
Corr ITS: problem with client in different sessions
Corr SAP Kernel 6.40 Patch 58: Language key not set
Corr System-specific guixt.ini + usercatalog (no script directories) did not work

2005 Q1 3

February 15, 2005

Corr Corrections for UTF-8 systems and for Japanese locale
Corr SAP GUI 6.40 + SAP Rel. 4.7: _listline(..) variables empty in list display

2005 Q1 2

January 28 2005

Corr Reset of a checkbox via "Input=..." not working in some SAP GUI "themes" (e.g. Streamline)
Corr Automatic decrease of visible length of output fields
Corr Problem with SwitchTo ...&database... in guixt.ini, if file does not exist for some systems
Corr Sporadic crash in SAP GUI 6.20 in screens where left most tab deleted in tabstrip
Corr SAP GUI 6.40: Patch 6 and above: shifting a table upwards not possible
Corr SAP GUI 6.40: group boxes not always recognized as screen elements
Corr SAP GUI 6.40: with 4.7 SAP kernel: command columnheading could produce crash

2005 Q1 1

January 6, 2005

New if Q[ITS] checks ITS environment (vs. SAP GUI)
Corr RfcConnect parameters in profile: maximum total length increased from 500 to 8000
Corr SAP Rel. 4.7 + SAP GUI 6.40 Patch5: No script active + previous pushbuttons in list display
Corr Stack overflow problem for very large script lines with many nested symbols
Corr Checkboxes without text not included in screen elements
Corr Local printing (saplpd) could produce crash in certain situations (TAB key)
InputAssistant Availability Description

2005 Q4 4

December 3, 2005

Options in textbox command:  textfont=  textheight=  textweight= 
New Searchhelp command sets a new searchhelp for standard fields
Corr Error message visible during InputScript processing if "Enable Controls" and "OnErrorContinue"
Corr SAP GUI 6.40: "Invalid input data" if cursor on new elements within deleted tabstrip area

2005 Q4 3

November 1, 2005

New Option -searchhelp="GUIXT.TIME" in InputField statement
New Option -currentuser in Call statement
New Font selection in history window ProcessingOption  historyfont="..."  historyfontsize=x  historyfontweight=y

2005 Q4 2

October 12, 2005

New CopyText fromtext=... tosharedtext=...  and  fromsharedtext=... totext=... shares texts through multiple SAP modes
Corr SAP 4.7 + SAP GUI 6.40, "invalid sapgui input data" with GuiXT 2004 Q4 1 if cursor behind last position in own InputField

2005 Q4 1

October 3, 2005

Corr InputFields resetted after SAP error message during InputScript processing (since version 2005 Q3 3)

2005 Q3 4

September 10, 2005

Corr InputField parameter shdest1= had no effect for deleted entry fields
Corr Possible memory problem in RFC handling

2005 Q3 3

August 15, 2005

Corr "&F[fname]" shows value of InputField if on same position, before 1st Screen command in InputScript only
Corr Parameter dest1=[field1] in InputField not working in conjunction with "pos [field1] (x,y)"
Corr SetCursor in InputScript had no effect (version 2005 Q3 2)

2005 Q3 2

July 24, 2005

Corr SAP 6.40: "invalid sapgui input data" if "Enter" in GuiXT script + "pos" for focus field

2005 Q3 1

June 24, 2005

Corr SAP GUI 6.20, older patch levels only:  Problem with "Enter" in InputScripts since GuiXT 2005 Q2 5

2005 Q2 5

June 3, 2005

Corr Error message "Invalid sapgui input data" when processing a popup in an InputScript on certain screens
Corr Special matchcodes (e.g. GUIXT.ZTERM) not displayed

2005 Q2 4

May 19, 2005

New Set V[varname] "string"  -stringlength
Corr "Invalid sapgui data" in InputScript processing with "Enable Controls
Corr Deleting a value in history without file authorization could end SAP GUI
Corr Trailing space in substrings / structures now ignored unless
ProcessingOption trailingspace="On"
Corr Keyboard focus after matchcode for own InputFields, SAP GUI 6.40
Corr Logon data not accepted if started via shortcut  in SAP GUI 6.40 (correction needs Patch 10 of SAP GUI 6.40)

2005 Q2 3

April 25, 2005

Corr Error in previous version 2005 Q2 2 only: if Q[Page] not working if icon displayed on tab

2005 Q2 2

April 22, 2005

New Option fromDirectory="..." in CopyText command
Corr Empty lines generated in rtf template tables
Corr CopyText addressed wrong textbox in some situations
Corr Compress statement + searchhelp for InputFields: wrong parameters passed to searchhelp
Corr Packed fields in structures and tables not handled correctly (e.g. after Calling a BAPI)

2005 Q2 1

March 31, 2005

New LocalvalueHelp F[...] domain="..." assigns a dynamic domain to an entry field
New Set: option -unpack e.g. Set V[quantity] "V[line](28-34)" -unpack
New ProcessingOption DebugRFC="On"
New Shared input sets in SAP Web Repository
Corr SAP Rel. 4.7 + SAP GUI 6.40 + Unicode: Invalid SAP GUI data in InputScript
Corr SAP GUI 6.40: Setting a checkbox via an InputSet did not work

2005 Q1 3

February 15 2005

Corr Corrections for UTF-8 systems and for Japanese locale
New Debug window resizable + Stop button in debug window

2005 Q1 2

January 28, 2005

Corr F1 for own InputFields: Hyperlinks not working in Performance Assistant

2005 Q1 1

January 6, 2005

New RenameFile command
Corr Maximum number of table parameters in Call increased from 10 to 20
Corr notation "using par = [var]" where var is an own InputField variable passed wrong value
Corr Field input starting with "=" + Enter: "On Enter" not executed even in non-matchcode fields
Script Editor Availability Description

2005 16

July 8,  2005

Corr Editor options not correctly shown in menu after file opened

2005 15

June 24,  2005

Corr Option "delete file before saving" to avoid "access denied" problem on Windows 2000, network files

2005 14

June 11,  2005

Corr Updating file with UNC  notation on Win2K: "access denied"

2005 13

May 31,  2005

Corr Updating file with UNC  notation on Win2K: "access denied"

2005 10

May 5,  2005

Corr Problem in Version 9: Crash after creation of new file

2005 9

May 2,  2005

New Inserting predefined script parts (folder "myTemplates")
Corr Syntax-coloring of options

2005 8

February 24, 2005

Corr Windows NT: only upper left part of script window is visible