previous years:
2009  2008  2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

GuiXT Availability Description

2010 Q4 3

November 25, 2010

New New version for "GuiXT controls" component

2010 Q4 2

November 22, 2010

Corr "Invalid SAP GUI input data" error in SAP GUI 7.20 with some scripts after error message

2010 Q4 1

September 24, 2010

Corr Position of disabled toolbar pushbuttons not kept
Corr Japanese Shift_JIS code page support
Corr Terminating a SAP GUI session started via "sapgui.exe" command without SAP Logon terminated GuiXT for other sessions as well

2010 Q3 3

August 8, 2010

New Option -disabled in pushbutton command
Corr SAP GUI 7.20: Frozen windows after around 8 minutes on certain systems
Corr SAP GUI 7.20: Shifting fields and tables upwards not possible in some screens
Corr Deactivating and then activating GuiXT in SAP GUI options produced painting errors, especially in popup screens

2010 Q3 2

July 18, 2010

Corr SetActiveTab not working for 2nd tabstrip on screen

2010 Q3 1

June 18, 2010

New if M[xxxx=active] checks whether a menu item "xxxx" exists and is active
Corr Compatibility issue with GuiXT Designer in version 2010 Q2 2 sand 2010 Q2 3
Corr GuiXT commands not active in screens with SAPScript display (e.g. print preview)
Corr A shifted tabstrip (pos S[...]) could cause wrong position of own elements and missing search help in some screens (e.g. WCTA)

2010 Q2 3

May 31, 2010

Corr TableWidth: Further columns not shown on certain screens
Corr Internal problem with modal number; SAP kernel error log entry written in some cases.

2010 Q2 2

April 10, 2010

Corr Pushbuttons within screen did not allow function code length >16 

2010 Q2 1

March 23, 2010

Corr SAP GUI 7.10 PL16: SAP GUI window could get frozen on large screens if several SAP GUI modes active

2010 Q1 1

March 14, 2010

New TitleSuffix command adds a suffix to screen title
Corr Low speed connection in SAP GUI: Images not shown after click on menu entry
Corr Images on popup window not scrolled with screen
InputAssistant Availability Description

2010 Q4 3

November 25, 2010

New New version for "GuiXT controls" component

2010 Q4 2

November 22, 2010

Corr Goto command in InputScript ignored if last statement in InputScript

2010 Q4 1

September 24, 2010

Corr Includes in InputScript: goto/label with local scope
Corr Debugging: Wrong active line shown if Include-script is processed

2010 Q3 3

August 8, 2010

New Option process="..." in DropDownList processes an InputScript on change of list selection
New Option -readonly in DropDownList
Corr Goto/label in session script: label not found if new mode started via InputScript
Corr Input history for own input fields not always shown
Corr InputScript now encrypted in GuiXT cache

2010 Q3 2

July 18, 2010

New DropDownList generates a drop down list for standard fields or own input fields
Corr Last character deleted in own input field for some unicode characters
Corr V[_cursor...] system variables not correctly set if cursor in own inputfield below table control

2010 Q3 1

June 18, 2010

New Set ... -charcount returns the number of characters of the given string
Corr V[_transactionid] incorrectly increased after returning from search help IFLMS
Corr Column ... -checkbox keycolumn=... not working
Corr Checkbox: visible length of label too large in Unicode systems

2010 Q2 3

May 31, 2010

New Column now allows you to create checkbox and pushbutton columns in SAP tables
New InputField: New option  -proportionalfont for text input

2010 Q2 2

April 10, 2010

New RfcConnect parameters="..." now supports CLIENT=...  USER=...  PASSWD=... options in connection string
Corr CopyText  formScreen=, -toCLipboard and -fromClipboard lost non-ANSI characters in Unicode systems

2010 Q2 1

March 23, 2010

Corr SAP GUI 7.10 PL16: SAP GUI window could get frozen on large screens if several SAP GUI modes active

2010 Q1 1

March 14, 2010

New System variable V[_sessioncount] (active SAP GUI sessions)
Corr SAP GUI 7.10 PL16 and upwards: SAP GUI window frozen during InputScript processing
(SAP kernel 640: PL301 and above, SAP kernel 700: PL224 and above)
Corr CopyText ... toScreen added a linefeed at the end of the text
GuiXT Controls Availability Description

2010 Q4 3

November 25, 2010

New New component: Embedding of ActiveX controls into SAP GUI
Script Editor Availability Description

2011 2

December 11, 2010

Corr Screen flickering after Ctrl+V insert in large script files

2011 1

December 8, 2010

New Inserting command options (F4 or right mouse menu)
Corr Screen flickering after Ctrl+V insert in large script files

2010 2

November 22, 2010

New List of ActiveX controls
New Help uses internet documentation or .chm files (option)
Corr New commands and options added to syntax coloring