previous years:
2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

GuiXT Availability Description

2015 Q4 3

November 03, 2015

Corr RFC error popup "connection broken" could appear after longer idle time in SAP GUI

2015 Q4 2

October 14, 2015

Corr Exception in "guixt.dll" if ProcessingOption is used (Version 2015 Q4 1 only)

2015 Q4 1

October 7, 2015

Corr Correction for InputAssistant

2015 Q3 3

September 14, 2015

Corr Encrypted scripts not decrypted in SAP Unicode systems (profile parameter "CacheEncryption Yes" and guixt "Encrypt" command)

2015 Q3 2

August 02, 2015

New System variables for SAP GUI font size:  V[_fontsize_x] and V[_fontsize_y]  
Corr Scripts translated to UTF-8 in non-unicode system after processing a popup screen of a unicode system
Corr Temination with error popup "The copyright is invalid in guixt.dll" when starting SAP GUI directly via sapgui.exe

2015 Q3 1

June 18, 2015

Corr Image .... start="path" not working in SAP Unicode Systems if path contains non-ANSI characters such as ü,ö
Corr Scripts not read in further directories if SAPWR specified as Directory2, 3 or 4. Problem occurs in newer SAP basis support packages (2015). 
Corr F1 with focus on own pushbutton (right mouse click) could terminate the transaction 

2015 Q2 5

June 02, 2015

Corr Temporary demo licenses required additional license key  (in version 2015 Q2 4)

2015 Q2 4

June 01, 2015

Corr Include script lines not shown in GuiXT "Script" window (in version 2015 Q2 3)

2015 Q2 3

May 11, 2015

Corr GuiXT not active in particular non-ANSI based Windows installations (version 2015 Q2 2 only).
Corr Images not always scrolled with screen

2015 Q2 2

May 5, 2015

New Automatic script conversion UTF8 <-> ANSI for Unicode / Non-Unicode SAP systems
New ProcessingOption scriptcodepage="..." specifies the Windows codepage used for conversion to/from UTF8, e.g. "932" for Japanese Shift-JIS

2015 Q2 1

April 14, 2015

Corr GuiXT window: "Help" menu item now links to web documentation

2015 Q1 4

March 07, 2015

New Rfc password encryption: maximum length increased from 16 to 40
Corr Internal copyright string passed to SAP GUI interface

2015 Q1 3

February 18, 2015

Corr User statistics not written in case of trial license

2015 Q1 2

January 23, 2015

Corr Wrong field name (misinterpretation as .text of previous field) could occur in rare cases, if transaction executed the first time in a session. Only known case: transaction ME23N, field "Vendor".

2015 Q1 1

January 05, 2014

New if Q[internetconnection] checks whether internet connection is available
Corr Windows XP support was missing in GuiXT 2014 Q4 3
InputAssistant Availability Description

2015 Q4 3

November 03, 2015

Corr if V[abcxxx] fulfilled after generic Set: Set V[abc*]  "    "  instead of Set V[abc*]  ""
Corr Enter  in logon screen produced in "Invalid SAP GUI data" in next screens

2015 Q4 2

October 14, 2015

 Corr Exception in "guixt.dll" if ProcessingOption is used (Version 2015 Q4 1 only)

2015 Q4 1

October 7, 2015

New ProcessingOption tabOnEnter="on"  [-permanent]  processes TAB key on Enter key for current screen / session
Corr SAP Netweaver Business Client: InputScript started with /O... command produced wrong position of SAP GUI client window

2015 Q3 3

September 14, 2015

Corr SAP EHP7: "input= " option in Image command and  Input sets / history not working if "Enhanced search automatic" active in SAP GUI options

2015 Q3 2

August 02, 2015

Corr Maximum size of inserted texts in HTML and RTF templates increased from 1MB to 16MB
Corr VBDirectory profile parameter: &database not resolved  

2015 Q3 1

June 18, 2015

New GetGridValues selectedCells="..." selectedRowCount="..." reads the grid cells selected by the user into GuiXT variables
Corr Comment lines missing in InputScript trace  (version 2015 Q2 3 - 2015 Q2 5)

2015 Q2 5

June 02, 2015

Corr Temporary demo licenses required additional license key  (in version 2015 Q2 4)

2015 Q2 4

June 01, 2015

Corr DropDownList Painting problem

2015 Q2 3

May 11, 2015

Corr Enter  "/O..." process=... in InputScript did not process script in start screen ("Enter" necessary to apply script again)

2015 Q2 2

May 5, 2015

Corr Expression "&cell[...]" for empty read-only cells of length > 128 returned "_______________..."
Corr F4 Searchhelp for own InputField: Internal screen visible on some PCs, frozen window can occur especially if 2 monitors used
Corr Symbolic offset notation in comment lines replaced in InputScripts before first Screen command

2015 Q2 1

April 14, 2015

Corr InputScript stopped after wrong click in SAP tree control

2015 Q1 4

March 07, 2015

Corr NWBC environment: delay after selecting a searchhelp value for own InputField

2015 Q1 3

February 18, 2015

Corr InputField .... -readonly: no field value transport was carried out after value selection for field values specified with shdest1=...  shname1=... 

2015 Q1 2

January 23, 2015

New ProcessingOption dateformat=... sets date format for InputField with -date and for CheckDate
Corr Condition if V[x] was true after Set V[x] " " ( one or more space characters). Occured in version 2015 Q1 1 only.
Corr Call ... -currentuser did not work if user password contained " or \
Corr Long text variable &text[...] in command line was restricted to 256 characters.  Increased to 60000.
Corr ZGUIXTF4: Personal value list now suppressed in search help display if value selection selname1= ... in InputField command
Attention: update ABAP-program
ZGUIXTF4 for this correction (possible without GuiXT upgrade).

2015 Q1 1

January 05, 2014

New Fast allocation of numerous script variables (e.g. 100 000 for large tables)
GuiXT Controls Availability Description

2015 Q3 1

June 18, 2015

Corr SAP GUI scripting logon failed if SAP GUI not installed in standard path

2015 Q2 5

June 02, 2015

Corr Temporary demo licenses required additional license key  (in version 2015 Q2 4)

2015 Q2 3

May 11, 2015

Corr Controls not always scrolled with screen

2015 Q2 2

May 5, 2015

Corr Scrolling with mouse wheel in embedded Control could scroll main window without embeded images/controls/views

2015 Q2 1

April 14, 2015

New GuiXT.GetObject() in VBScript after CallVBS
Corr CallVBSAync SapTree and SAPGrind not defined on popup screens

2015 Q1 2

January 23, 2015

Corr Offset command in script influenced position of Control ... -floating windows in subsequent InputScripts 
Script Editor Availability Description

2015 2

June 18, 2015

New New option for keyword processingoption: dateformat=
New New Button "Save as" in main toolbar
New In Tool "Copy included scripts to directory": Merge all included scripts into one textfile
New New option for command ProcessingOption: scriptcodepage="..."
New Displaying date and time of script last activated on in title
New New contextmenu: Systemvariables
New New keyword: GetGridValues
New Button "Save as" removed from toolbar
Corr Multiple entries for option -textcenter in different commands removed
Corr Tool "Copy included scripts to directory": Main script was not copied.

2015 1

January 08, 2015

New New option for command "control": -closeOnHide
New New option for command "processingOption": ie_browser_emulation=
New New button: Open script for current SAP screen
Corr Added SW_SHOWNORMAL when saving state of dialogs to avoid minimized windows
Corr Missing option for command "saveControl": name=
Corr Restoring coloring, line numbers and cursor-position on selecting an already opened script
Corr Activating a script containing syntax errors is possible now
Corr Options in contextmenu put in alphabetical order
Corr Scripts created by GuiXT Window are UTF-8 encoded by default