previous years: 2019 2018 2017  
2016 2015 2014 2013  2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 200520042003 200220012000

GuiXT Availability Description

2020 Q4 2

December 1, 2020

  Correction for  InputAssistant

2020 Q4 1

November 27, 2020

  Enhancements for InputAssistant and Controls

2020 Q3 5

September 3, 2020

Corr In rare cases a Message statement could lead to a GuiXT popup "GuiXT memory overwritten".
Prerequisites: No title= specified, no -statusline option, message text longer than about 160 characters.
Corr The system variable V[_usercataloggroup] was only set in the first SAP GUI mode
Corr "Download trace" function in GuiXT window: UTF-8 header added and double linefeed removed

2020 Q3 4

August 14, 2020

  Corrections for InputAssistant component

2020 Q3 3

August 10, 2020

Corr Error "Invalid SAP GUI pointer" could occur on screen resize in some screens with GuiXT elements (2020 Q3 2 only)

2020 Q3 2

July 29, 2020

New UI log extensions

2020 Q3 1

June 28, 2020

Corr guixt.ini: "...." now allowed around profile values

2020 Q2 4

May 26, 2020

  Enhancements and corrections for InputAssistant and GuiXT Controls (see below)

2020 Q2 3

May 1, 2020

 Corr Correction for InputAssistant and GuiXT Controls (see below)

2020 Q2 2

April 22, 2020

 Corr Correction for InputAssistant (see below)

2020 Q2 1

April 18, 2020

New Enhancements for UI logging component

2020 Q1 3

Feburary 26, 2020

New UI logging component
Corr Memory increased continuouly in transactions with grid control (GuiXT Controls active) 

2020 Q1 2

January 27, 2020

New Script syntax error interface for Script Editor Pro (extensions)

2020 Q1 1

December 27, 2019

New Script syntax error interface for Script Editor Pro
InputAssistant Availability Description

2020 Q4 2

December 1, 2020

Corr Error in previous GuiXT version 2020 Q4 1: Decimal separator missing or result multiplied by 100 when Windows regional setting is decimal point

2020 Q4 1

November 27, 2020

New Arthmetic operations implemented with higher decimal precision
New Set ... regex=... Applies a regular expression
New Set ... regexreplace=...  Applies a regular expression and replaces matchings substrings
Corr Return statement in InputScript after Screen re-entered previous values, overwriting user input, until start of any InputScript (error since version 2020 Q3 2).
Corr Set ... decimals= Some decimal numbers ending with 5, for example 0.825 with decimals=2, were not rounded correctly to 0.83 but to 0.82
Corr SAP Business Client: Dropdownlist not visible in popup window. Clicking in this screen area could terminate the session
Corr Call Export of large tables could cause SAP GUI crash

2020 Q3 5

September 3, 2020

Corr CopyText ... toFile=... Not working if directoy name of output file contained non-ASCII characters
Corr GetGridValues in a popup screen containing a grid control took grid values from underlying screen

2020 Q3 4

August 14, 2020

Corr SAP GUI crash could occur in conjunction with "Returnvalues" and "Enter /i" (2020 Q3 3 only)
Corr Error "GuiXT lock situation" could occur sporadically

2020 Q3 3

August 10, 2020

Corr Error "Invalid SAP GUI pointer" could occur on screen resize in some screens with GuiXT elements (2020 Q3 2 only)

2020 Q3 2

July 29, 2020

New DeleteRow deletes a row from a table variable
Corr CopyText ... fromScreen/toScreen: could address wrong textbox during InputScript procerssing
Corr Dropdownlist Characters shown as '?' if not within local code page

2020 Q3 1

June 28, 2020

New ProcessingOption ignoreInfoPopup="On" in InputScripts automatically processes all info popups (screens SAPMSDYP.0010)
New UI logging enhancements, e.g. selecting read-only fields and table columns with [+] for uilog
Corr Textbox ... maxlines= Non-ANSI characters replaced with "?" if maximum line count reached
Corr Dropdownlist ... -readonly now grayed out

2020 Q2 4

May 26, 2020

New Dropdownlist  New layout similar to SAP GUI standard dropdowns
New Dropdownlist  table=V[...]  Uses columns 1 and 2 of the given GuiXT table variable for key and text of the doprdown
New Dropdownlist  ...  -showkeys  In conjunction with table=. Shows the key values in the dropdown box. Default: according to SAP GUI options. Reverse option: -hidekeys
New Dropdownlist  ...  -hidetext The text is not displayed in the header field of the drop down list
Corr Column .... -uppercase in own tables: the option was not effective immediately upon entry
Corr OpenFile did not open a file locked in another process, e.g. a .csv file opened for update in Excel
Corr Call imporFromBundle=*   Import was terminated after a call which raised an exception

2020 Q2 3

May 1, 2020

New New option -regex in ReadRow searches cell values according to regular expressions

2020 Q2 2

April 22, 2020

Corr Error in previous version 2020 Q2 1: SAP GUI terminated the transaction if the focus was on a self-added table column

2020 Q2 1

April 18, 2020

Corr StatusMessage window position not relative to window position

2020 Q1 3

February 26, 2020

Corr GetGridValues -prepare not working for a single grid page (version 2020 Q1 2)

2020 Q1 2

January 27, 2020

New GuiXT debug window: display of table variables and text variables content as file
Corr Correction for AppendFile with UTF-8 header (crash if OpenFile/CloseFile for different file between OpenFIle and AppendFile)
Corr GetGridValues -prepare not working in SAP GUI 7.60
Corr Structure variables whose name begins with a digit were not allowed, e.g. V[123abc]

2020 Q1 1

December 27, 2019

New New options -ignorecase -lingustic locale= for sorting table variables with Sort V[...]
Corr Option Call .... -currentuser  not possible if "RfcCurrentClient Yes" in guixt.ini and SwitchTo to a central guixt.ini in SAP Web or Mime Repository.
Workaround: Use ... SAPMR,client=xxx
Corr GuiXT debug window: non-ANSI characters not correctly displayed in command line and expressions
GuiXT Controls Availability Description

2020 Q4 1

November 27, 2020

New guinet.GridControl.SelectColumn Selects a column in a grid control

2020 Q3 5

September 3, 2020

Corr Digital signature added in guinet.dll

2020 Q3 1

June 28, 2020

Corr CallVB Returning a VB object sporadically closed SAP GUI

2020 Q2 4

May 26, 2020

Corr guinet.toolbarcontrol.clickbutton: Exception occured if toolbar belongs to a grid control

2020 Q2 3

May 1, 2020 

New New options isRegex= and  ignoreCase=  in guinet.gridcontrol.selectCellByValue, .selectRowByValue, .clickCellByValue, .doubleclickCellByValue
Corr guinet.gridcontrol.setcellvalue: Intermittent problem in large grids, did not set cell value

2020 Q2 1

April 18, 2020

Corr guinet.gridcontrol.GridToTable: Intermittent SAP GUI termination in grid controls with many lines

2020 Q1 3

February 26, 2020

New Selecting all rows in a grid control CallVBAsync guinet.gridcontrol.selectAllRows

2020 Q1 1

December 27, 2019

New Button text andr tooltip possible in CallVBAsync guinet.gridcontrol.clickButton
Corr CallVBAsync guinet.gridcontrol.getSelectedRows not workong after selection of a range of rows
Script Editor Pro Availability Description

2020 Q4 1

December 14, 2020

New  New Option when installing editor without UI: PATH= (sets target directory for the editor executables)
New  New option for command "Set": regex=
New  New options for command "Set": regexreplace= and regexreplaceFirst=
New  Own tool to compare files can be defined in editor options; winMerge set as default
New  Context menu for system variables set by native controls interface
New  Context menu for native controls interface-commands
New  F1 context-help for native controls interface
New  New option for keyword "call": object=
New  New option for Call: BundledRequests="Start" and  BundledRequests="Stop"
Corr  Fallback-option for FindDialg
Corr  Enter key did not jump to next result in script in FindDialog
Corr  When zooming with the mouse wheel, the text partially disappeared at the left margin
Corr  Some adjustments in dialogs for high scaling settings in windows
Corr  Opening file on double-click when using option template= for keyword ApplyGuiScript
Corr  Correction for syntax check, if comment characters are used within quotation marks
Corr  Size of dialog for tool CompareFiles adjusted
Corr  Double entry for Option "process=" for "Enter" command removed
Corr  PrettyPrint could scroll through the script in previous betaversion
Corr  Templates installed in default template directory when running setup
Corr  Option 1 for File Encoding in Editor Options could not be saved
Corr  Locations found when searching in the script are not always colored correctly
Corr  Scrollbar disappeared forever when long script was removed
Corr  Title of document not marked with * when changed in some cases
Corr  Double icon ID (F5) in Tool "Insert Icon"
Corr  Scrollbar disappeared on UI log script generation

2020 Q3 3

September 17, 2020

Corr Open InputScript from UI log fixed
Corr Occurences of screen elements missed current line in table view (in tool ScreenElements)

2020 Q3 2

July 30, 2020

New New keyword "DeleteRow" with table=... index=...
New Directories are automatically created for new script files generated by the editor
Corr Error on saving opened scripts when the scriptfolder was deleted before
Corr Opening included scripts in subfolder of main script corrected (comparing only lowercase)
Corr Output date in generated script (UI log)

2020 Q3 1

June 30, 2020

New UI Log extensions
New New options for keyword ReadRow: -regex
New New options for keyword DropdownList: table= -showkeys -hidetext -hidekey
Corr Script Editor Icon in main toolbar could disappear
Corr Getting cached file from GuiXT for files in Web/MIME Repository
Corr Dialog for tool "Insert Icon" too small in some cases

2020 Q1 2

February 17, 2020

New Using FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION for webbrowser control (F1 context help)
New Update to Visual Studio 2019 (V142 build toolset)
New Integration of GuiXT Syntaxcheck
New Clickable icons in lines containing syntax-errors
New Asterix indicating script changes in tab
New Messages shown in statusbar at the bottom if statusbar on top is deactivated
New New options for keyword Sort: -ignorecase -linguistic locale=
New New options for processingOption:
uilog="On", uilogusername="On", uilogproject="xxxx", uilogfile="C:\temp\uilog.txt",
uilogtransactions="VA01,SE11", uiloginterval="n", uiLogLicense=
Corr Script with syntax errors was opened again by mistake although SAP screen was not processed
Corr File search window in foreground, if already opened and requested again by the user
Corr Removing syntax-error indicators on changing the script
Corr Syntaxcheck improvements (communication with GuiXT)
Corr Icon for application in higher resolutions added
Corr Refresh screen from Editor when only component GuiXT is activated
Corr Maximum of 1000 syntax errors to avoid loop problems
Corr Corrections for path detection in included scripts
Corr Bug in Tool CompareFiles when opening files
Corr Option process= for keyword Image removed
Corr Opening files always in non-blocking mode
Corr Performance improvement on opening scripts
Corr Some corrections with scrollbars
Corr No added space when adding option for keywords via contextmenu
Corr Double-slash // not interpreted as comment within strings and brackets
Corr Paint syntax when continued lines are inserted via copy&paste