Purpose Read the content of an ABAP list (no ALV grid) There are still a lot of "classic" ABAP lists in the SAP system which display a structured list output (no ALV grid). You may want to read the content of the list, for example in order to download the displayed values to a file. |
Solution Example
Excel opens up and displays the list values:
Pushbutton (toolbar) "@J2@Excel" process="mrn1_download.txt" -separator
Screen SAPLSPO5.0110 // SAP displays the text in this general // popup via an HTML control // we can disable the control // avoiding that the popup becomes visible // for a short moment Disable controls // save Windows clipboard content CopyText toText="cbbackup" -fromClipboard // select "clipboard" option Set R[In the clipboard] "X" Enter Screen RMNIWE10_01.0120// read the clipboard into a text variable CopyText toText="list" -fromClipboard // restore the clipboard CopyText fromText="cbbackup" -toClipboard // we now generate a temporary .csv file from the list // build temporary filename using TEMP environment variable and current time Set V[tfn] "&%[TEMP]\RangeOfCoverage.&V[today_ymdhms].csv" // create new filee Openfile "&V[tfn]" -output -utf8 delimiter=";" Set V[k] 1 label next_line CopyText fromText="list" toString="listline" line="&V[k]" if Q[ok] CopyText fromString="listline" toText="temp" CopyText fromText="temp" toString="material" line=3 delimiter="|" CopyText fromText="temp" toString="mattext" line=5 delimiter="|" CopyText fromText="temp" toString="avgstock" line=7 delimiter="|" CopyText fromText="temp" toString="avgcons" line=9 delimiter="|" CopyText fromText="temp" toString="unit" line=10 delimiter="|" CopyText fromText="temp" toString="coverage" line=11 delimiter="|" CopyText fromText="temp" toString="baseprice" line=12 delimiter="|" CopyText fromText="temp" toString="newprice" line=14 delimiter="|"
Q[ok] Set V[k] &V[k] + 1 goto next_line endif // close the .csv fileClosefile "&V[tfn]" // display file (Excel will open up for .csv if installed) Start "&V[tfn]" // press enter Enter
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