Purpose You want to automatically create a wrapper class for an existing activeX control so you can call the methods and set properties from GuiXT. |
We then also set the properties of the control to hide the control panel:
Start the command prompt for visual studio and go to a directory in which you want to have the new files created.
Then type "aximp.exe /source 'path to the library'.
With GuiXT we can create new activeX controls and embed them on the screen or we can modify existing ones.
In both cases GuiXT can give us a reference to the object that we can use as a parameter for our library.
In our example we also add two methods so we can set and read properties by name. Event handling You can just add your own code inside the event handlers. For example, we can set a GuiXT variable when the user clicks inside the media player control: internal void RaiseOnMouseDownEvent(object sender, _WMPOCXEvents_MouseDownEvent e) { myguixt.SetVariable("mediaPlayerEvent", "Mouse clicked!"); if ((this.MouseDownEvent != null)) { this.MouseDownEvent(sender, e); } } GuiXT script
Pushbutton (2,88) "Play Tutorial 1" process="test_play_video.txt"
InputScript script
// Reference to the control
// Hide the controls of the media player
Components InputAssistant + Controls |