Purpose You want to install the GuiXT utilities
The GuiXT utilities are a collection of ABAP functions (mainly function
modules) that you can use in your own developments:
- /guixt/dbselect
Provides you with
a convenient way to read the SAP database in a GuiXT script. It
supports format conversions, table joins and CDS views.
For details see
Function module /guixt/dbselect and the section "Reading the
SAP database" in our Tips, Tricks and Samples
- /guixt/select
A predecessor
version of /guixt/select which we provide for compatibility with
older scripts.
- /guixt/submitreport
Offers you a
comfortable way to submit an ABAP report via RFC and to process
the list output.
For details see
Function module /guixt/submitreport
- /guixt/get_text_for_value
function can be used to read texts for given key values, e.g. to
read the name of a purchasing organization. The function is
based on the text link provided in the SAP repository.
- Transaction /guixt/zxf4
transaction provides the standard search help (F4) function for
your own input fields.
For details see
Search help for your own input fields
- /guixt/call
Provides a way to call
SAP function modules. It is based on the SAP RFC protocol, but
offers additional features: Automatic data conversion between
internal and external format, column selection for structures
and tables, bundling of multiple calls, parallel processing,
remote method calls for ABAP OO.
For details see
Open call interface
- A few auxiliary functions for the above modules
Compatibility The functions can be used in
all recent SAP systems of the Business Suite and in S/4HANA.
Components GuiXT + InputAssistant