Use the built-in functions of the native control interface for the Grid Control

For most tasks it is not advisable to program your own VB functions that communicate with the special SAP UI controls such as grid control or tree control. The SAP UI controls  are more complex than one might think, since they handle user actions, read and write the SAP GUI datastream and communicate with SAP application. So your VB function is player number three or four in this system.

The following functions, built in into the GuiXT Controls interface "guinet.dll", cover most of what is normally needed. Please observe:

  • All functions have obligatory and optional parameters. We suggest you use the "by name" calling for all optional parameters.
  • All functions can either be called from your GuiXT script, in most cases with CallVBAsync, or from your own VB.NET function. If you need to evaluate the return code of the built-functions it is often more practical to call up your own VB.NET function with CallVBAsync and then call the built-in function from there.

Returns the value of the selected cell, or "" if no cell selected
In an InputScript this function can be used synchronously via CallVB. It is useful at the beginning of an InputScript if you need the selected cell value for further processing. See also the returned system variables (below) that indicate the column and row of the cell selected by the user.

CallVB guinet.GridControl.GetSelectedValue

1 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen; you need it if there are several grids.

2 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

The content of the selected cell or "" if not found.

Sets system variables
V[_grid_current_colid]       Internal column name of selected cell, or ""
V[_grid_current_rowno]     Row number of selected cell, or 0
V[_grid_current_value]      Cell content (same as returned value), or ""

CallVB aufnr = guinet.GridControl.GetSelectedValue


Returns the selected row numbers as a comma-separated list of row numbers, e.g. "408,412,589". In addition,  two GuiXT text variables receive the row numbers and cell content of the selected rows.
In an InputScript this function can be used synchronously via CallVB.

CallVB guinet.GridControl.GetSelectedRows

1 colIds   Default: ""

Comma separated list of internal column names. The content of the given columns is copied into the text variable text[_grid_selected_values]

2 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen; you need it if there are several grids.

3 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

delimiter   Default: ","
The cell values are separated from each other by the given string

list of the selected rows (comma-separated list of row numbers)

Sets system variables
text[_grid_selected_rows]       Contains the selected row numbers, one text line for one row number.

text[_grid_selected_values]     Contains the content of the cells of the selected rows, one text line for each row, where the content of all columns specified by colids:= is copied. The cell values are separated from each other by a comma or, if specified, by the given string delimiter:=

CallVB guinet.GridControl.GetSelectedRows colIs:="EQUNR,EQKTX" delimiter:=" "
Message "&text[_grid_selected_values]"
Message "&text[_grid_selected_rows]"


Returns the number of rows in the grid control
In an InputScript, this function can be used synchronously via CallVB.

CallVB x = guinet.GridControl.GetRowCount

1 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen

2 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

Number of rows in the grid

CallVBAsync  rowcount = guinet.GridControl.GetRowCount


Returns the number of columns in the grid control
In an InputScript, this function can be used synchronously via CallVB.

CallVB x = guinet.GridControl.GetColumnCount

1 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen

Number of columns in the grid

CallVBAsync  colcount = guinet.GridControl.GetcolumnCount


Returns the type, internal name and title of a column in the grid control, separated by a tab character
In an InputScript, this function can be used synchronously via CallVB.

CallVB colname = guinet.GridControl.GetColumnName

1 colNo  
Column number 1,2,...

2 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

Column information: column type, name and title, separated from each other by a tab character

CallVBAsync  colname = guinet.GridControl.GetColumnName 10

Returns "string|TPLNR|Functional location" in transaction IW38, standard view, where | denotes the tab character.

CallVBAsync  colname = guinet.GridControl.GetColumnName 5

Returns "date|GSTRP|Bsc start"

The column title may depend on the column width. For example,

CallVBAsync  colname = guinet.GridControl.GetColumnName 5

returns "date|GSTRP|Basic start date" if the column width is large enough.

To split the string into its individual components, you can use the CopyText statement. Example:

Set text[temp] "&V[colname]"
CopyText toString="colid" fromText="temp" line=2 delimiter="&V[_tabcharacter]"

Result: colid = GSTRP

Selects a row with a given number

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectRow  row

1 row
Row number to select. It must be between 1 and the total grid row count.

2 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

3 gridVew   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

4 addSelection   Default: ""
If "X", the selected row is added to the already selected rows

5 removeSelection   Default: ""
If "X", the selected row is removed from the already selected rows


"X" if row was selected, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectRow  1

Selects the first row containing a given value

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectRowByValue  value

The value to search

2 column   Default: ""
The internal name of a column, or a comma separated list of columns, where the value is searched.

3 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen; needed it if there are several grids.

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

5 isRegex   Default: ""
If "X", the value is interpreted as a regular expression. It is checked whether a substring of the cell content corresponds to the given regular expression.

6 ignoreCase  Default: ""
If "X", the comparison is case-sensitive

7 addSelection   Default: ""
If "X", the selected row is added to the already selected rows

8 removeSelection   Default: ""
If "X", the selected row is removed from the already selected rows

he index 1,2,3 of the row found, 0 if not found

Sets system variables
V[_grid_current_colid]       Internal column name of selected cell
V[_grid_current_rowno]     Row number of selected cell
V[_grid_current_value]      Cell content

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectRowByValue "PALO ALTO" column:="VARIANT"

Selects all rows

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectAllRows

1 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen; needed it if there are several grids.

2 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if grid control was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectAllRows gridNo:="2"


Selects a column

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectColumn 

In an InputScript this function can be used synchronously via CallVB.

1 colid
The internal name of the column or the column number

2 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

3 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

4 addSelection   Default: ""
If "X", the selected column is added to the already selected columns

"X" if the column was selected, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectColumn  "KTEXT"



Selects a cell

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectCell  row column

Row number to select. It must be between 1 and the total grid row count.

2 column
The internal name of a column, or the column number

3 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if value was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectCell 2 column:="VARIANT"



Clicks a cell

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.ClickCell  row column

Row number to select. It must be between 1 and the total grid row count.

2 column
The internal name of a column, or the column number

3 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if value was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.ClickCell 2 column:="VARIANT"


Doubleclicks a cell

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.DoubleclickCell  row column

Row number to select. It must be between 1 and the total grid row count.

2 column
The internal name of a column, or the column number

3 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

4 gridview   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if value was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.DoubleclickCell 2 column:="VARIANT"


Clicks a button in a cell

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.ClickCell  row column

Row number to select. It must be between 1 and the total grid row count.

2 column
The internal name of a column, or the column number

3 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

"X" if value was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.ClickCellButton 2 column:="SELECT"



Clicks the currently selected cell

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.ClickCurrentCell  


1 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

2 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if the grid was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.ClickCurrentCell



Doubleclicks the currently selected cell

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.DOubleclickCurrentCell  


1 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

2 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if the grid was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.DoubleclickCurrentell




Selects the first cell containing a given value

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectCellByValue value 

1 value
The value to search

2 column   Default: ""

The internal name of a column, or a comma separated list of columns, where the value is searched

3 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

5 rowSelection  Default: ""
If "X" also selects the row

6 isRegex   Default: ""
If "X", the value is interpreted as a regular expression. It is checked whether a substring of the cell content corresponds to the given regular expression.

7 ignoreCase  Default: ""
If "X", the comparison is case-sensitive

"X" if value was found, "" otherwise

Sets system variables
V[_grid_current_colid]       Internal column name of selected cell
V[_grid_current_rowno]     Row number of selected cell
V[_grid_current_value]      Cell content

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SelectCellByValue "PALO ALTO" _
"VARIANT"  rowSelection:="X"


Clicks on the first cell containing a given value

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.ClickCellByValue value 

1 value
The value to search

2 column   Default: ""

The internal name of a column, or a comma separated list of columns, where the value is searched

3 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

5 rowSelection  Default: ""
If "X" also selects the row

6 isRegex   Default: ""
If "X", the value is interpreted as a regular expression. It is checked whether a substring of the cell content corresponds to the given regular expression.

7 ignoreCase  Default: ""
If "X", the comparison is case-sensitive

"X" if value was found, "" otherwise

Sets system variables
V[_grid_current_colid]       Internal column name of selected cell
V[_grid_current_rowno]     Row number of selected cell
V[_grid_current_value]      Cell content

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.ClickCellByValue "PALO ALTO" column:="VARIANT" 



Doubleclicks on the first cell containing a given value

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.DOubleclickCellByValue value 

1 value
The value to search

2 column   Default: ""

The internal name of a column, or a comma separated list of columns, where the value is searched

3 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

5 rowSelection  Default: ""
If "X" also selects the row

6 isRegex   Default: ""
If "X", the value is interpreted as a regular expression. It is checked whether a substring of the cell content corresponds to the given regular expression.

7 ignoreCase  Default: ""
If "X", the comparison is case-sensitive

"X" if value was found, "" otherwise

Sets system variables
V[_grid_current_colid]       Internal column name of selected cell
V[_grid_current_rowno]     Row number of selected cell
V[_grid_current_value]      Cell content

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.DoubleclickCellByValue "PALO ALTO" _ column:="VARIANT" 


Reads the cell content
Attention: Needs to be called up asynchronously to work in large grids, see remarks below

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.GetCellValue row colid

1 row
The row number

if guinet.dll before 2022 Q4 2. Also possible after that for compatibility reasons.

2 colId
The internal name of the column

3 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

The cell content or "" if not found

CallVBAsync val = guinet.GridControl.GetCellValue  _

Do not use this function synchronously with CallVB unless you have loaded all grid rows before. Asynchronous calls with CallVBAsync load the given row automatically. For example, the following InputScript does not set the variables beyond number 137:

// get grid row count
CallVB rowcount = guinet.GridControl.GetRowCount

// clear variables
Clear V[equnr.*]

// Set all equipment numbers into GuiXT variables
Set V[k] 1

label next_row
if not V[k>&V[rowcount]]
  CallVB V[equnr.&V[k]] = guinet.GridControl.GetCellValue &V[k] EQUNR
Set V[k] &V[k] + 1
goto next_row


To correct this, you can first load all rows in a separate Screen...Enter block:

  // Load all rows
   CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.LoadAllRows

Screen saplslvc_fullscreen.0500
  // get grid row count
  CallVB rowcount = guinet.GridControl.GetRowCount

  // clear variables
Clear V[equnr.*]

  // Set all equipment numbers into GuiXT variables
  Set V[k] 1

  label next_row
    if not V[k>&V[rowcount]]
      CallVB V[equnr.&V[k]] = guinet.GridControl.GetCellValue &V[k] EQUNR
      Set V[k] &V[k] + 1
      goto next_row


Alternatively, read the cells asynchronously:

Screen saplslvc_fullscreen.0500
  // get grid row count
  CallVB rowcount = guinet.GridControl.GetRowCount

  // clear variables
Clear V[equnr.*]

  // Set all equipment numbers into GuiXT variables
  Set V[k] 1

  label next_row
    if not V[k>&V[rowcount]]
      CallVBAsync V[equnr.&V[k]] = guinet.GridControl.GetCellValue &V[k] EQUNR
      Set V[k] &V[k] + 1
      goto next_row


Both methods work. An even better alternative is to use  guinet.GridControl.GridToTable or guinet.GridControl.CopyText if you need to obtain the content of all grid rows.

The "lazy grid loading" effect does not show up when you read rows selected by the user, since the content of these rows is already loaded.

Sets the cell content

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SetCellValue row column value

1 row
The row number

2 column
The internal name of the column or the column number
3 value
The new cell content

4 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen

5 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if the grid control was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SetCellValue  _
5  "AUFNR" "15634"

For some grid controls, depending on the implementatiion of the grid in ABAP, it may be necessary to add
  CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.PressEnter  wait:="true" 
in the InputScript after the cell values have been set.

Presses the Enter key within the grid control

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.PressEnter

1 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

2 wait   Default: false
Waits for the execution of the Enter key

"X" if the grid control was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.PressEnter  wait:="true" 


For some grid controls, depending on the implementatiion of the grid in ABAP, it may be necessary to add
  CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.PressEnter  wait:="true" 
in the InputScript after the cell values have been set.

Sets the focus to the grid control

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SetFocus

1 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

"X" if the grid control was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SetFocus 


Copies the whole grid (or selected columns) into a GuiXT text variable

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.CopyText

1 textName   Default: ""

Name of the text variable

2 columns  Default: "*"
Comma separated list of internal column names to be copied. Default "*" means: all columns

3 delimiter   Default: TAB character (Hex code 09)

Delimiter (string is possible) to be used between the returned cell values

4 replaceDelimiter   Default: " "
If the delimiter is part of a cell value, it will be replaed by the given character or string

5 header   Default: " "

If "X", the first line returned contains the internal column names

6 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen

7 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

The same text that is put into the text variable. If you cannot be sure that it is a very small grid, use the text variable instead of the returned value, since GuiXT variables are limited to 4000 bytes in contrast to the text variables which are not limited.

Screen ...
CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.CopyText "equi" columns:="EQUNR,EQKTX"

Screen ...
CopyText fromText="equi" toFile="C:\temp\equi.txt"


Copies the whole grid (or selected columns) into GuiXT variables, using a separate variable name for each cell. The variable name structure is like the one used for your own tables so that you can immediately display the content in a table, or address each cell content in your script.  

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.GridToTable tablename

1 tableName
Used to build up the variable names

2 columns  Default: "*"
Comma separated list of internal column names to be copied. Default "*" means: all columns.
For each grid column name in the list you can specify a different column name in your table. Separate the two names by ":", see the example below. 

3 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

5 selectedRows  Default: ""
If "X", only the selected grid rows are returned

Total row count of the grid

Sets  variables

where tablename is the given first parameter, colid the internal name of the column (see parameter "columns", and row is the row number.      

CallVBAsync opcount = guinet.GridControl.GridToTable _


Loads all grid rows from the SAP application server
You need to put this function into a separate Screen...Enter block. The function is rarely needed, since the build-functions such as
GridControl.SelectRowByValue or GridControl.CopyText already load the rows if necessary.

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.LoadAllRows

1 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen

2 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

The total number of grid rows

// Load all grid rows
Screen ...
  CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.LoadAllRows

Screen ...

Sets the
width of a column

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SetColumnWidth colid width

1 colId
The internal name of the column or the column number
2 width
The new column width

3 gridNo   Default: 1

Number of the grid on screen

4 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if the gridcontrol and column was found, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SetColumnWidth "KTEXT" "50"


Returns a comma-separated list of the column names  in the order in which they are currently displayed
In an InputScript this function can be used synchronously via CallVB.

CallVBAsync columnorder = guinet.GridControl.GetColumnOrder

1 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

2 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

A comma-separated list of the column names


Reorders the columns

guinet.GridControl.SetColumnOrder columns

1 columns
Comma-separated list of the column names in the order in which they should be displayed

  • No additional columns can be added and no columns can be removed
  • Invalid column names are ignored
  • All existing columns not specified in the list are automatically appended in the order in which they are currently displayed

2 gridNo   Default: 1
Number of the grid on screen

3 gridView   Default: Nothing
Can be used from VB.NET if you already have the object pointer for the control

"X" if the gridcontrol was found and the columns could be reordered, "" otherwise

CallVBAsync guinet.GridControl.SetColumnOrder _  


InputAssistant + Controls