Generate an Outlook email

1. Send as plain text
2. Send as HTML with embedded image

Use a JavaScript routine that calls up Outlook

Important hint for the "new outlook"
The "New Outlook for Windows" does not support COM add-ins, as it shares a codebase with Outlook on the web, focusing on web add-ins instead: The method described here cannot be used anymore then.

In a particular transaction we want to generate an email with predefined addressee, cc, subject, email text and attachment list.

For our example we use:

adressee: name@company.com
cc: xyz@abc.com
subject: Project documentation version 15
email text:
Please find attached our new project documentation.

Mike. B. Smith

attachment: C:\temp\project1208.pdf

You can send the email immediately via Outlook or open up an Outlook window and let the user send the generated email:



// build email body
// for this example we use a few fixed text lines
// for longer texts you may use a template text file and
// CopyText ... fromTemplate=... whch replaces variables in the text
Clear text[emailbody]
Set V[line] "Please find attached our new project documentation."
CopyText fromString="line" toText="emailbody" -appendLine
Set V[line] ""
CopyText fromString="line" toText="emailbody" -appendLine
Set V[line] "Regards"
CopyText fromString="line" toText="emailbody" -appendLine
Set V[line] "Mike. B. Smith"
CopyText fromString="line" toText="emailbody" -appendLine

// attachments
Set text[emailattachments] "C:\temp\project1208.pdf"

// call up outlook via a JavaScript function
CallJS OutlookEmail _
"name@company.com" _
   "Project documentation version 15"
emailbody _

// return


function OutlookEmail(p_to, p_subject, p_cc, 
                          ptxt_body, ptxt_attachments) {

    var olByValue = 1;
    var olMailItem = 0;
    var oOApp = guixt.CreateObject("Outlook.Application");
    if (!oOApp)
        alert("Outlook not installed");
    var oOMail = oOApp.CreateItem(olMailItem);


    oOMail.To = p_to;
    oOMail.CC = p_cc;
    oOMail.Subject = p_subject;
    oOMail.Body = guixt.GetText(ptxt_body);

    // attachments 
    if (ptxt_attachments) {
        var attachments = guixt.GetText(ptxt_attachments).split("\n");
        for (var k = 0; k < attachments.length; k++) {
            var attachment = attachments[k];
            if (attachment.length > 0) {
                oOMail.Attachments.Add(attachment, olByValue, 1);


Send embedded HTML and images

The text in an email is sent as plain text in most cases. However, it is also possible to use HTML code, e.g. to style the text or to embed images directly. This is possible with the following coding:


// Send E-Mail with HTML body and embedded image

clear text[emailbody] 

Set V[line] "<html><body><p>Construction Plan A</p>"

CopyText fromString="line" toText="emailbody" -appendLine

Set V[line] "<img src='cid:architecture.jpg' width=450>"

CopyText fromString="line" toText="emailbody" -appendLine

Set V[line] ""

CopyText fromString="line" toText="emailbody" -appendLine

Set V[line] "<br>Best Regards, <br> FredSumit</body></html>"

CopyText fromString="line" toText="emailbody" -appendLine

// attachments

Set text[emailattachments] "C:\temp\architecture.jpg" 

// call up outlook via a JavaScript function

CallJS OutlookEmail _

   "name@company.com" _
"Project documentation version 15" _
"xyz@abc.com" _
emailbody _


function OutlookEmail(p_to, p_subject, p_cc, 
                          ptxt_body, ptxt_attachments) {

    var olByValue = 1;
    var olMailItem = 0;
    var oOApp = guixt.CreateObject("Outlook.Application");
    if (!oOApp)
        alert("Outlook not installed");
    var oOMail = oOApp.CreateItem(olMailItem); 

    // attachments 
    if (ptxt_attachments) {
        var attachments = guixt.GetText(ptxt_attachments).split("\n");
        for (var k = 0; k < attachments.length; k++) {
            var attachment = attachments[k];
            if (attachment.length > 0) {
                oOMail.Attachments.Add(attachment, olByValue, 0);


    oOMail.To = p_to;
    oOMail.CC = p_cc;
    oOMail.Subject = p_subject;  
    oOMail.BodyFormat = 2;
    oOMail.HTMLBody = guixt.GetText(ptxt_body);



InputAssistant + Controls