Generate a Word document


  • Create a Word document which will serve as a template for the final document
  • For the variable parts use placeholders &[xxx] where xxx stands for the name of a GuiXT variable
  • For GuiXT text variables use &text[xxx] where xxx stands for the name of a GuiXT text variable
  • For Word tables put placeholders &[xxx.###] into the cells. Here ### will be replaced with the row number 1,2,3,... to form a GuiXT variable name xxx.1, xxx.2, ...
  • Save the Word document as .rtf file, e.g. mytemplate.rtf
  • In your InputScript, use CopyText ... fromTemplate="mytemplate.rtf".
    The template file is read and your placeholders are replaced with the content of the  GuiXT variables. New table rows are added as long as a GuiXT variable with the corresponding row number exists for the first column
  • Save the file as .rtf file or .doc file

The placeholders &[xxx] must not contain any inner formatting, for example &[xxx] (first 2 xx in bold). It is important that the placeholder strings appear in the form &[xxx] in the resulting template .rtf file.
If a placeholder is not substituted by the value of the corresponding GuiXT variable, copy the whole placeholder string &[xxx] into a simple editor such as "notepad", delete the string in Word and copy the string from notepad again into the Word document. This removes any inner formatting of the placeholder string.
If you open the rtf file with notepad, a wrong placeholder looks like
&[rtf.c}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0...
instead of
for example.

We generate a Word document that shows all customer orders for one month.

Template file

The upper part of the page, including the column headers, is within the page heading of the Word document so that the column headers are repeated on each new page.



We read the customer orders directly from the database tables VBAK and KNA1 via the function /GUIXT/dbselect. Other options would be to use a BAPI or to call up a suitable transaction, ABAP report or an SQ01 query.

// read customer orders as database join of VBAK and KNA1
Clear text[r]
Call "/guixt/dbselect" _
in.table="VBAK join KNA1 on KNA1~KUNNR = VBAK~KUNNR" _
in.orderBy="D1 ascending" _
in.condition="VBAK~AUDAT BETWEEN '20180101' AND '20180131' AND VBAK~TRVOG = '0'" _

// fill rtf variables
Clear V[rtf.*]

Set V[rtf.month] "January"
Set V[rtf.year] "2018"

Set V[k] 1
Set V[n] 1

label next_value

// customer name
CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtf.cn.&V[n]" line=&V[k]

if Q[ok]
Set V[k] &V[k] + 1

  // street
  CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtf.cs.&V[n]" line=&V[k]
 Set V[k] &V[k] + 1

  // post code
  CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtf.cp.&V[n]" line=&V[k]
Set V[k] &V[k] + 1

  // city
   CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtf.cc.&V[n]" line=&V[k]
Set V[k] &V[k] + 1

  // order number
  CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtf.on.&V[n]" line=&V[k]
Set V[k] &V[k] + 1

  // order date
   CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtf.od.&V[n]" line=&V[k]
Set V[k] &V[k] + 1

  // order value
   CopyText fromText="r" toString="rtf.ov.&V[n]" line=&V[k]

 // no decimal places, use Space as group separator
Set V[rtf.ov.&V[n]]  _
  + 0 decimals=0 groupSeparator=" "

  Set V[k] &V[k] + 1
Set V[n] &V[n] + 1
goto next_value


// all GuiXT variables are set, copy template now
fromTemplate="mytemplate.rtf" toText="temp"

// save to file
// you may work with a temporary filename instead
fromText="temp" toFile="C:\temp\sales.doc"

// display in MS Word

