JavaScript is broadly accepted in the Web.
There is a large number of software developers with JavaScript skills
VBScript is considered to be a stable but dead language, whereas you can find innumerable books and web pages devoted to the JavaScript language
For certain tasks, especially in Windows system administration, VBScript is still a good choice.
With GuiXT Controls it is up to you to choose the appropriate language, VBScript or JavaScript. The GuiXT keyword CallJS is the right one to call JavaScript functions; see the keyword documentation and the JavaScript tutorials for details.
As an example we implement the chart of tutorial 10 in JavaScript:
The GuiXT script and the InputScripts are exactly identical (use CallJS instead of CallVBS). The script function, now in JavaScript, is as follows:
function generate_chart(img) { var cd = guixt.CreateObject("ChartDirector.API"); // Set license code cd.setLicenseCode("xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"); // The data for the bar chart var data = new Array(); var labels = new Array(); for (var k=1;k<=13;k++) { data.push(parseInt(guixt.Get("chart.amount." + k))); labels.push(guixt.Get("chart.label." + k)); }; // The colors for the bar chart var colors = new Array(0xb8bc9c,0xa0bdc4,0x999966,0xb8bc9c, 0xa0bdc4,0x999966, 0xb8bc9c,0xa0bdc4,0x999966,0xb8bc9c,0xa0bdc4,0x30cc30); // Create an XYChart object of size 800 x 320 pixels, golden background var c = cd.XYChart(800, 460, cd.goldColor(), -1, 2); // Add a title box using 12 point Arial Bold font c.addTitle(guixt.Get("chart.title"), "arialbd.ttf", 12, 0x606060); // Set the plotarea at (60, 40) and of size 720 x 360 pixels c.setPlotArea(60, 40, 720, 360); // Add a multi-color bar chart layer using the given data and colors var layer = c.addBarLayer3(data, colors); // Use a 1 pixel 3D border for the bars layer.setBorderColor(-1, 1); // Set bar shape to circular (cylinder) layer.setBarShape(cd.CircleShape); // Enable bar label for the whole bar layer.setAggregateLabelStyle(); // Set the labels on the x axis. c.xAxis().setLabels(labels); // Add a title to the y axis c.yAxis().setTitle("in thousands €"); // Output the chart img.Picture = c.makePicture(); }