When you develop a new VB.NET function to be used in GuiXT you can display test messages with the MsgBox() function:
For example, when you call this function in GuiXT with CallVB utilities.testclass.show_msgBox "Hello" a popup with the given string is displayed:
For the development of complex VB.NET functions the Visual Studio debugger is very useful. It contains various functions such as stepwise processing and displaying or changing of variables. To start the debugger you can use the VB.NET function "Stop":
Confirm the debugger activation in order to obtain the Visual Studio debug window:
Please note: In order to test a new version of your dll, SAP GUI needs to be closed. Stop the debugger and then close the SAP GUI process, e.g. using Windows Task manager:
An additional remark: Instead of putting a "Stop" command into your VB coding you can start the debugger for a running SAP GUI session in Windows task manager with the "Debug" menu item (see screenshot above). When the debugger has started you can work with dynamic breakpoints. |