With the GuiXT tools, you can offer the fields and functions relevant for a certain process on a single screen mask and thus enable the user to work quietly and efficiently at the same time.
In contrast, the standard procedure is extremely variable, but requires a large number of navigation steps in which much information and numerous input fields may be irrelevant for a specific user role.
In particular for recurring tasks such as entering sales orders, creating new customers, entering maintenance notifications, etc., you can enable the user to work fast and smoothly,
where he can concentrate on the part of his activity that is relevant for the company instead of dealing with the operating details of the SAP system.
At the same time, the effort required for error postprocessing, which is necessary due to incorrect or incomplete entries, is reduced.
Create your own tables
With a few GuiXT script commands, you can offer the user a customized table for displaying and entering data. Pushbuttons and icons, row and column selection allow efficient operation.
Sorting of the table rows and F4 search help for columns are easily realizable.
Layout design with images and large pushbuttons
Make transactions attractive and efficient with GuiXT:
Occasional users quickly find their way on simplified and attractively designed masks and require less training and helpdesk support
Experts save time in their daily work by minimizing navigation steps, pop-ups and tab switches
Include special controls
You can integrate external controls and Web services and connect them to the existing SAP functionality.
For example, use Google AutoComplete to minimize address entry errors: When you select an address, the system automatically inserts the street, house number, postal code, and city into the corresponding SAP fields.
Optimize details
Small layout improvements can also be useful.
Here in transaction VA02. You can document the meaning of the adjustment in comment lines:
Integration of Excel
GuiXT enables the import, export and processing of data from Excel, Word, Outlook and other programs of the Microsoft Office product family.
In this example, order items for an order number entered by the user are selected from an Excel file and automatically inserted into the order.
wysiwyg editing mode directly in SAP GUI window
You can switch the SAP GUI window to an editing mode and move or delete the screen elements directly there.
The corresponding script instructions are automatically adapted in parallel.
UI Log: Evaluate user operations
User actions can be recorded and analyzed with the UI Log Tool (anonymized).
Then executable GuiXT scripts can be generated and used for your own further developments.
Try the GuiXT Tools
The GuiXT basic version is free and can be activated directly in the SAP GUI options.